Chapter 17: Jade and Jake

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A/N: I'm going to try hard to do Jake's dialogue so please don't judge if it comes out weird. Also I'm sorry for not updating this sooner. I had writer's block and couldn't figure out where to take this chapter. I'm gonna stop talking now so you can enjoy this chapter.


Today I felt confident. Earlier this week we found another shipwreck and we found footprints leading into the forest. We followed the trail until we reached the trees. "It'th gonna be hard finding them in there." Sollux noted. "Not really. Look." I pointed to the river that led inland. "My guess is that they will be close to a freshwater source, so if we keep traveling up this river, we can find them." We followed the river for what seemed like hours. I also had an uneasy feeling that I was being watched. It was creeping me out, but I didn't say anything. When we stopped for a break, I decided to keep going and see what was ahead. I stopped when I heard a voice. "Another day on this stupid hunk of rock. We've been here for weeks and we've found nothing and no one!" Wait. I knew that voice. "Jade?" I called out. "Cass?" She sounded shocked to hear my voice. "Jade!" I called again. I heard the branches to my left rustle and soon Jade had me in a tight hug. "How are you here? And where is everyone else?" "Right back there! Where's Jake?" "Cass? Great Scott is that really you?" I heard Jake say with a heavy British accent. He joined the hug too. "Blimey, you're certainly the adventurer! Coming all the way out here!" I laughed, happy that they were okay. "Oh! Everyone else is here too! Follow me!" I ran back in the direction I came with them in tow. "Guys! I found Jade and Jake!" They all looked over and them jumped up. They ran up to us and dogpiled us.
"We missed you!"
"You're alright!"
"What happened?"
Jade stood up and began to tell what happened to them. "Well, we were on our boat when this huge storm hit! We tried to steer the boat out of the storm but it capsized and landed here. We lost our phones and computers so we couldn't contact you. We've been camping out here ever since." "Hey, you realize that that exact same thing happened to us? That can't be a coincidence."  Dirk stated. "Really? That's weird. I wonder why such a phenomenon would occur three times in a row." John thought aloud. "I have a theory." Jade and Jake turned to Sollux, who they just realized was there. "Finally!" Jade shouted and ran up to him. Jake followed suit. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I've never seen anything like this chap here." Jake replied in awe. "Guys! Give him some space." They reluctantly walked back to the group and began to catch up with everyone. I went to go sit with Sollux. "Interesting pair, aren't they?" I asked him. "Thertainly exthitable." He replied. "You get used to it." "Oh really?" I laughed and leaned on his shoulder. "Touching." He warned me. "Oh man up." I replied sarcastically. I unclipped the necklace and sighed. "Lookth like they're done." I said as the group headed back over. "Good golly!" Jake shouted when he looked at me. Jade just kinda stood there with a surprised expression. "What? Oh. Um, turnth out I'm actually a Captor and thith ith what maketh me a human." I held up the necklace. "That is so cool!" Jade shouted as she tackled me. "Can I touch your horns?" "Well, uh, I gueth." I mumbled. She started rubbing one of my horns and I started purring. "Blimey, Cass! Is that you?" Jake asked me with amazement. "Yeth......" I mumbled. "Oh! We should take them to our camp!" Jade suddenly exclaimed and started dragging us along. I missed having their upbeat energy around. It was great to have them back.

Ok so I don't really know where to go from here so please give me some suggestions and I'll try to put them in the story.

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