Chapter 18: What the hell did you just do to me?!?!

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Ok so so far I've only gotten one vote and it was for:
A) Eridan makes another appearance

We followed the Harley-Englishes back their camp. I was not expecting it to be in a tree. Makeshift platforms were tied all around the branches, making several walkways. I saw a few sheltered areas as well. It was pretty impressive, considering that they had virtually nothing to work with. It was an easy climb, well at least for me. Once everyone was up we went around the makeshift camp. We went into one of the larger sheltered areas and I was surprised to see that it had a small fire pit and a basin for water. I noticed that the basin was almost empty. "You guyth are running low on water. I'll go get thome more." I grabbed a bucket and climbed down the tree. I slithered over to the river and filled up the bucket. When I turned to leave I felt something grab my tail. My confusion turned to surprise when I was yanked into the water. I barely had time to take in a breath before my head went under the water. When I opened my eyes I saw a familiar face. It was Eridan. And he looked proud of himself. I felt my hands being tied behind my back and I tried to escape his grip. Suddenly a pair of lips smashed against mine and I froze in shock and confusion. That was quickly replaced by pain as I felt my fangs disappear, my neck and chest split open, and my two pairs of horns merging into just one pair. I felt something grow between my fingers and out of my tail. It was over as soon as it had come. I couldn't hold my breath any longer and I let go, breathing in heavily. Wait. I WAS UNDERWATER HOW WAS I BREATHING?!?! I looked down and and almost shrieked in surprise. My long yellow snake tail had been replaced by a shorter (but not by much) violet fish tail. I felt the binds in my wrists loosen and my hands went up to my horns. Instead of my dual pair of short and slightly curved horns, there was a pair of longer lightning shaped horns. I felt my neck and sides and there were gills there. Actual. Fucking. Gills. I sat there in shock before I realized what happened. I felt someone grab my wrist and out of reflex I bitch-slapped them. That surprised me as well at the someone. I hadn't expected to move in the water like I did on land. I then realized that I had slapped Eridan. I shouted the only thing on my mind at him. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO TO ME?!" My voice squeaked a little because of the volume. "I turned you into a mer so that it wwould be easier for me to take you to the kingdom. Once I showw you to Fef she's bound to be impressed." He started to swim deeper with me in tow. He was distracted and I yanked my hand from his grip. I turned around and swam away as fast as I could. I was not going to be someone's prize. The swimming came easier than I thought. I had a pretty good lead on Eridan, and I used my adrenaline-fueled speed to launch myself out of the water and onto the shore. I landed about ten feet away from the water. I shouted the only name I could think of as loud as I could. "Sollux!" Right as I said his name Eridan looked out of the water and in my direction. If he hadn't stopped out of confusion he could've used his momentum and jumped after me, but thank god he didn't. We heard the sound of breaking branches and he sunk back under the water, glaring at me. Right after he did Sollux came charging through the branches. He saw me and stormed over. He lifted me off the ground with ease and death glared into my face. "Where ith my thithter." He growled. He could be fucking terrifying when he wanted to be. "Sol its me I don't know what happened but it's me." I squeaked. Goddammit, I would take my lisp over this anyday. He looked into my eyes and saw my mismatched colors. Apparently those had stayed, and I was grateful for it. His face went from confusion to happiness to anger. "Who did thith to you?" He asked with a voice full of venom. "A mer named Eridan did this but please don't hurt him I'm sure I can convince him to make me normal again!" I pleaded. He looked unsure but nodded anyways. "Doeth the necklathe thtill work?" He asked. "Lemme try it." I unclipped it and felt the familiar tingling. "Still works. But I wonder..." I clipped it on again and yelped. Once again I felt the change, but this was different. It was weird. I looked down to see that I had a violet tail, fins, gills, and the lightning bolt horns. I sighed and clipped it back on. "Worth a shot." I said as he set me down. He started to say something but I cut him off. "Let's just go home. We'll figure this out tomorrow." He nodded and we walked back to camp to tell the others we were going home. By then I was pretty much asleep standing up, and Sollux had to carry me home. After he put me in bed he explained what happened to Dad and Mituna. He didn't know if it was permanent or if it could be reversed. Neither did the other two. They all just hoped I'd be back to normal soon.

Ok so I think that turned out better than expected. Ok I think I will update a little more often because I'm getting ideas for where to go with this so yeh. K that's all.

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