Rants Of a Flower's Keeper

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Rants Of A Flower's Keeper

"It's true, we're all a little insane..."

Questions run, spinning around in my head.

Startled now, feelings like dead.

Does he hold my heart's key?

Does he even love me?

Another pedal falls.

My eyes then start to bawl.

He doesn't love me.

Can't I just be?

The second pedal drops.

"But it's so clear...."

Nothing is clear to me.

Why can't I just see?

What has my life become?

It's like a pack of chewed gum.

Once it's gone, it's no more,

Like my heart that's so sore.

Does he love me so?

Or will I ever know?

Are you, too, out there, wishing upon a star?

"Now that I am unchained..."

Unchained from my heart.

Is it a good place to start?

Should I walk up and say 'hi'?

Or will you just pass me by?

Will you follow me around,

One knee on the ground,

And ask for my love?

"Fear is only in our minds..."

Me does fear control,

Yearning for him, does my soul.

My heart skips a beat,

Next to me he takes a seat.

Should I say something?

My mind then starts to sing.

He turns towards me,

Emotions he doesn't let me see,

Takes over me, the fear does,

And I get up and run because,

Fear has a hold on me,

Smile like that, how does he?

Hypnotic, are his eyes,

My heart, for him, does die.

Not wanting to get hurt again I go back to counting pedals.

"Taking over all the time...."

He loves me...

A pedal falls.

He loves me not...

The next joins the ones on the floor.

He loves me...

A mountain of pedals lines my shoes.

He loves me not...

And everything just fades to black....

( italicized words from Sweet Sacrifice by Evanescence )

Sweet Dreamsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن