Poetry in Motion

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Poetry in Motion

The curtain is drawn back,

 A figure is revealed.

The crowd goes silent,

 As the figure stills.

Another moment passes,

 The faint of music is heard.

Slowly, the figure moves to the beat,

 Captivating the crowd around you.

She moves around the stage.





 The figure walks back to the center,

Pointed feet moving her ballet covered foot.

 She faces you, gleaming bright.

The ending pose,

 The ending impression.

A moment of silence again,

 Awaited reactions.

Suddenly, the crowd erupts.

 Applauds fill the air,

She bows up on stage.

 To her, this is her life.

To you, it's entertainment.

 It's not.

This is what she lives for.

 She is a poet,

Expressing herself in motion.

 The figure wont stop until her legs break,

Her arms give out.

 Until her heart stops,

She will continue to dance

 And express Poetry in Motion.

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