Chapter 21

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When School was done next Day

"Sam Do you think I should sell My dogs" Aiden Asks Me. " No why Are you asking" I said strangly. "Just wanted to know" He said. Me and Aiden where in his house in his bed Talking about Normal things. He was so Nice to every one. He just seemed
Like the Perfect Guy.

I also thought Aiden was my True Love. We where playing tickles When all of the sudden he Got closer to me and wanted to kiss me, But I put my finger in his lips. " I Can't Sorry I already Have a Boyfriend" I said Smiling. " Oh Really Who is it" He said with a frown in his Face. "Its You Dummy" I said. He was so Happy to hear that. He even Screamed. He grabbed me from the waist and Kissed me. I think He was also Crying because his Face was so red. "Am Are you crying" I said touching his hair. "No I am just so Happy I Love You" He said. 

Later that day Me and Aiden gave them the noice When we at Six Flags. Everyone Acted Like I Had given them the noice that I was pregnant.

Also we heard Stephanie and Cameron where going on a Date. All This Time We where in school we where so Happy. And We where Almost going to Be graduated and set free to Make our own life. I just wished I will get married to Aiden and Make our own Family. We where having a lot of fun at Six Flags. Except For the Joker. It was the new Ride. Aiden wasn't Scared at all. Instead he was Texting with Cameron knowing he was right Behind Him.

"What are You talking about with Cameron?" I asked Him. " Oh Nothing It's Just That He has a Crush on Stephanie" He said whispering.

He put his phone in his pocket And Just Holded my hand. "You Know Sam Maybe when we graduate we Can Hopefully get Married and Have children" He said. " Yeah" I said.

Aiden' s  POV

I was So Happy Samantha was my girlfriend, But I was Still scared to not be the Best boy Friend For her. What happens if I end up You know Hurting her. Also I still haven't forgotten that a strange person was sending her messages and I had to Protect her Because just maybe the person wants to kill her. And I hope he or she doesn't Kill her.

A/N:  Yay Aiden and Samantha are Together. I hope you guys like that. I also thought of making Nathan Come back and Have him be her be his girlfriend. But in the beginning it seemed Nathan was going to Be  her Boyfriend so yeah. Love you and Like,Share,And Comment.

2 Boys and 1 girlHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin