5 - Encounter

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Hey y'all im back with another chapter. Sorry for the slow updates, been busy and stuff. Hopefully you understand :) Hope u like this chapter :)

And the drawing at the top is FireBloom/CrossFire. It's my first time drawing a Cybertronian. I think it's pretty good. Needs a little bit more work but at least I tried *shrug*.

Btw, I drew this when I was in the hospital. My cousin was in a fatal car accident and his neck is really injured. His left arm is broken from impact but he's fine. The driver who caused the accident was really drunk and her stupid friends were distracting her. *Sigh* People, don't drink and drive or else you will get in a car accident and die!!!! -_-


Year's later After Event......

FireBloom's/CrossFire P.O.V

"C'mon Smokescreen, you could do better than that!" I said as kicked Smokescreen flat on his butt. We were sparing and apparently I was winning; as always.

Anyway, Ever since I could remember, I have lived with the Autobots and considered them my family. I never knew my true family, but I imagined who they were. I imagined that my family were proud Autobots protecting any sentient beings and were loyal to the Autobot cause. But I'm not sure.

My name is Crossfire, and I'm an Autobot. My "carrier" is Arcee and my "sire" is Cliffjumper. I was adopted by them at a young age. My best friend is Smokescreen, since he is the only one who is "near" my age (which is fift-teen in human years and he was nineteen). I also made great friends with the humans Miko Nakadai, Jack Darby, and raphael Equivel or Raph (as he prefers to be called). It's an odd friendship since im like way bigger than them. Especially Raph, that boy is so short and so cute with his little widdy fac- Oh Im getting off track- sorry, not sorry.

Oh, where was I? Oh yeah, my life. Oops.

We landed on Earth just two year's ago and it's fine I guess. The weather is okay and the natives are not so bad, some of them. M.E.C.H is a pain in the aft though. Couldn't they just leave us alone? Primus, don't they have better things to do? Like, I don't know, get a real job or something?

"You're just winning because you're so freaking tiny!" Smokescreen said in his defense. He playfully laughed afterwards. He was so nice and such a sweetspark. I wouldn't lie, I kind of have a tiny crush on him. Okay I'll admit it, i'm in love with him. What, I just can't help that Im attracted to him. He's really nice and sweet. Not only that but he's really handsome. Boy, if he could hear my thought's, his ego would be going through the roof.

Anyway, He could be a little cocky sometimes, but I will continue to love him no matter what. Hopefully he notices that one day.

"No, Im winning because I have the skills! You should try getting them some time!" I yelled back with a laugh. He glared playfully at me. It made me blush and gooey inside.

"Alright, "Miss ego," It's time for a break because you look like you fought a horde of Decepticons." I heard my sire say behind me. I turned around and saw him with my carrier under his left arm. I only nodded and went to sit on the bleachers.

"Woohoo! Crossfire, that was so awesome!" Miko yelled. I laughed at her comment. I always liked showing off when it came to fighting. It always made me proud. I bet my real family would be so proud of me if they ever saw me out on the battlefield, Kicking Decepticon butt. Even if I been on the battlefield only twice. I only seen drones. Not any main bots. Not like I want to fight them or anything! I sorta want to avoid them as much as possible. From the stories I've heard, they were really skilled in battle and could take down any bot is they wanted to. Especially one of them called Soundweave or something (yes that intentional). He's a huge creeper and killed many bots before. Just the sound of him being mentioned makes me get really freaked out.

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