6 - Uh Oh

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Crossfire/FireBloom's P.O.V

"Knockout..." I heard Smokescreen growl through clenched dentas. His optics were narrowed to slits and he glared daggers as Knockout. Knockout only smirked at him before his ruby optics landed on me. His smirk only grew bigger and he chuckled darkly at my fear filled optics.

"Who's the femme?" Knockout said, mischievously. Smokescreen growled and stepped infront of me to protect me from harm's way.

Uh! I feel so useless! I was a warrior fraggit! This is what I was trained for my entire life!

"None of you're business. Why are you here, Knockout?" Smokescreen spat out his name as if it were venom. Knockout only continued to smirk as his optics trailed up and down my form. I felt so insecure all of a sudden. Never in my entire life had a mech or femme looked at me like that. If I were human, I would be as red as an apple.

"You know, you look rather familiar, doll. Are you sure we haven't met before?" Knockout said as he completely ignored Smokescreens question. Smokescreen growled as his servos clenched into bone-crushing fist.

"Crossfire, step back." Smokescreen growled. It would have scared me if I didn't know Smokescreen as well as I did.

"But-" I was cut off by Smokescreen. "-Please, Crossfire." Smokescreen pleaded softly. Even though his voice went soft, his optics never stopped glaring at Knockout.

"You better listen to him, doll. Don't want to scratch that marvelous paint job of yours." Knockout said, clearly trying to flirt. I only gave him a low glare before stepping back about ten steps away.

Then, Smokescreen lunged, like a lion would to catch it's pray.

Knockout only stepped out of the way and kicked Smokescreens back. Smokescreen grunted as he was slammed against a large tree.

"Is that the best you could do, Smokescreen?" Knockout darkly taunted. Smokescreen only growled in annoyance and pushed himself off the tree. He turned around and went into a battle stance. Knockout also got into a battle stance. They both did circle's around each other and kept optic contact. They were very intimidating and you wouldn't want to get involved.

Knockout jumped at Smokescreen with his staff (which I just noticed was out) in hand. Smokescreen luckily blocked him with a brutal force I haven't seen before. I gasped in shock as a groundbridge opened, then sighed in relief when I saw Bumblebee, Arcee, Bulkhead, and Optimus walk out.

I thought we were safe for sure, that is until another Groundbridge opened. Great just what we needed. More enemies.

About thirteen Drones came out and immediately fired at us with there blasters.

A shot headed my way but I jumped out of the way. It hit a tree instead. I turned around and fired at the drone who immediately shot at me more. Luckily, I had good aim and shot it in the optic. It's servos went to cover it's optic but I shot it more and it fell on the floor, lifeless. I sighed in relief.

But that wasn't all that came out of the groundbridge, two more figures came out. Important figures.

The first one was easy to recognize. I mean, stilettos and gray? obviously Starscream.

But the second, I knew. Everyone knows him.

Long, skinny arms, with long skinny digits. Lanky and swift figure. And the most recognizable about him: his emotionless visor.

It honestly creeped me out. Pit, it creeped out any sane bot out. Maybe even the insane one's.

I was too distracted to notice a vehicon behind me fire at me. I yelped at the sudden pain and twisted around. I pounced at the vehicon and offlined it with one of my swords.

I felt someone's gaze on me and looked around. Everybot was fighting away the enemies except for one.

My tank dropped and my optics widened when I noticed who was staring at me....


Third Person P.O.V

'Primus, she look's so much like her' was the only thing running through Soundwaves powerful processor.

She had everthing like FlashBloom. Same optics, same horns, same tail, same heels. Everything about her screamed Flashbloom. The only difference was the paintjob. Which was his paintjob.

She looked like an adult version of his little femme. Wait, could it be? Could it actually be his little femme? Could it actually be his darling, little femme who oh so long ago was kidnapped by the Autobots? Has she grown with them and joined they're side?

As slowly and non-threatening as possible, he approached her. Her optics were full of fright and confusion. He would understand. He had a reputation for being ruthless and emotionless.

Once he was close enough, he reached towards her with his lomg arm.

The heavy rain that started to fall from the sky making it difficult for her and him to see.

"Crossfire!" Both of they're helms snapped towards the owner of the voice, only to see Smokescreen running towards them. Well, more like running full force at Soundwave.

Switch to Crossfires/FireBloom's P.O.V...

I flinched when Both bots hit the Earth's ground. They rolled down a steep hill. They smashed, broke, and brought down trees as they both rolled down the hill. I gasped when I noticed a giant crack (Hah) at the end of the hill.

"SMOKESCREEN!" My voice echoed throughout the forest. All the attention from all the bots came towards me.

I don't know what I was thinking, but I ran down the hill. At one point, I slid and couldn't stop.

Thunder echoed throughout the dark forest and made everthing light up for a couple of seconds before going dark again.

I tried to grab onto something, anything as I slid. When I about to fall off the ledge, I grabbed onto a rock. I looked down into the crack and saw Smokescreen holding onto the ledge. Around his ankle though, was Soundwaves servo clenched onto it.

"Smokescreen!" I souted again, a little more quiet than the last.

"Crossfire!" He shouted back. His optics were full of fear and worry, as were mine, but they had little tears in them.

I looked at Soundwave and saw he was staring at me. It almost looked as if he was pleading to help him.

Suddenly, my servos started to slip off the rock because of the mud and water.

"No, no, no, no, no." I said softly. I tried grabbing onto to it again, but I just couldn't.

"AHHHHHH!" I saw screamed as I fell through the dark hole.

"CROSSFIRE!" Smokescreen yelled with unnoticeable tear slipping down his faceplate. He let his servos let go of the object he was holding onto and fell through the hole also.

They're cries echoing throughout the night....


Sorry for no upload in a while :). School just as started 😩.


Words 1094

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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