Chapter 24- Mine

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(1 Month Later)

"Stachelle, what do you think affectionate mean?" Mr. Thompson, my English teacher questioned as he stood at chalk board with his hands in his pocket.

I positioned my self in my sleep as I thought about the right definition to give him. "affectionate means to be fond or loving and it's way to express your love to others. It can be physical or verbal"

"Good job, can you put that in sentence for me?" 

"When it comes to my two beautiful children I am affectionate." I smiled at the thought of them.

"Good job, I like that." He turned to the chalk board and began writing the sentence on the board. As he did that the class begin to chitter chatter and I heard a few sinister giggles.

"She got kids?" A boy whispered to another classmate.

"NIgga, you ain't know that's Money's girl." He answered. And I rolled my eyes, Money happened to be Danny's street name and I hated it. For a month he's be choking me up and beating me, but I deal with it because where am  I going to go? But I did do one smart thing, I hurried to get on birth control so I really wouldn't have any kids that's biologically related to him, because he defianately wouldn't let me out of his sight.

I work part time and mid nights at this small Mexican restaurant, I get paid seven dollars in hour it's not a lot but it's helping me rack up. Danny takes most of it so I hide half of it  at Giselle's house since I don't have a bank account. I also do hair for little kids and young women when I have the chance. I have four hundred saved up but my goal is at least eight hundred, this land lord who own an apartment set said if I can give him 850, he'll give me this apartment. It's one bed room, the kids can have the room and I'll sleep on the living room floor I don't care as long as we can get away from the junkie and his aunt that were with.

The land lord doesn't even care about my age, he's willing to help.

"Okay class that's enough."  Mr.Thompson said; putting a stop to the chitter chatting.


I exited the bus quickly, eager to see my children; They're probably starving since Danny's aunt is sick and not really walking. I believe she has the flu. I walked down the side walk that was empty, the sun is reflecting my skin on hard, letting off a golden yellowish look, a cool breeze hit me and made my straight hair slightly fly. I shoved my hands in my pocket and took a deep breath as I thought about what I wanted to do this weekend with the kids, maybe we can go to a dollar show or a picnic in the park. I really don't have money to spend on them, cause it's going towards the funds I will have to pay once it's just me and them.

I reached my door step, I heard Zamir whining for something as I stood. I turned to the knob only to see that it was lock, so the only thing left to do was to knock on the door and wait. After a few moments Danny opened the door, he wore nothing but boxers, his area was hanging out like no one's buisness. I walked passed him and Sarae jumped up from in front of  the television once she saw me.

"Mommy!" She jumped into my arms and gave me a big kiss on the cheek.

"Hey girl friend! I missed you" I cooed. I sat my book bag on the couch while still holding her, Zamir tugged on my pants as he cried and tears fell from his eyes.

"What's wrong little man?" I used my other arm to lug him on my side.

"Daddy whooped him, because he went in you guys room."

Stacey  (Editing)..Where stories live. Discover now