Seriously, in the castle??

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Mitsuki POV
"It's cold. It's dark" said my thoughts. I suddenly wake up. "Mitsuki!" said Shirayuki. She was tied up. "" I mumbled. "Ah you both woken up. I have been waiting until night falls" said someone. "Wait, night fall?" I asked. "It's already night" said him.

Wait what?? It's night? Zen and Tatseku must've been woried about me and Shirayuki. "Let us go" said me. But I can't move. I realise that I was been tight up, tighter than Shirayuki. "Why do you tight her tighter?" Shirayuki asked. "That's simple. She has this needle" said him showing my needle.

My pupil eyes suddenly getting bigger. "I realised that she was very skilled at sewing, and especially popping someone eyes out. Perfect to sell a girl like that" said him. "Give it back!" said me. "Why? It's just a needle" said him teasing.

I started to cry. "It's my mother's present! She gave me at my 9 year old birthday. It's a very precious present, eventhough it's just a needle. Now GIVE IT BACK!" said me screaming.

Then he cuped my mouth. "Alright alright I give it back. But don't scream." said him giving me the needle. I didn't say thankyou because he tied my mouth with some sort of napkin. "Nuts" said my thoughts.

"Don't make noise" said him then he close the way out with jail bars. Then he left. "Nuts we can't get out" said Shirayuki dissapointed. "Oh yes we can" said me with a funny noise.

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