Chapter 1

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There was a knock on the front door which was weird since it was half eleven at night and I never really had any visitors. Who would be calling at my house at this time? I decide to ignore it thinking it was probably the kids that lived in the apartment next to mine and continues to watch Netflix, I was on the last episode of my Once Upon a Time marathon so there was no point in stopping now.

A few minutes later there was another knock on the door and a rattle of the letter box, it couldn't have been the kids, they would have given up by now but whoever it wasn't clearly didn't watt go away. I decided to be a good American citizen and pause the TV to open the door to see who it was.

A small blonde girl was sitting there on floor cross legged. I don't mean to be nasty but she looked a state, still I knew that I recognised her from somewhere. She slowly looked up from the ground to let me see the fear in her eyes. It was Maya. Maya Hart, I hadn't seen or talked to her in years, if it wasn't for her me and Riley may have never broken up, or I could possibly have any friends. But because of her I was left lonely. Why was she here?

L- Maya?

M- that's me

L- what are you doing here? I haven't heard from you since 10th grade

M- I know, I don't know what I'm doing here, sorry

She looked so confused, she didn't even know what she was doing sitting on my doorstep so obviously I couldn't just leave her on her own in the busy streets of New York.

L- don't be sorry, do you maybe want to come in?

M- okay, if it's not any trouble

L- it's fine, make yourself at home

She wandered in and sat down on the sofa, looked over to me as I was still standing in the doorway not really knowing what to do and patted the seat next to her telling me to sat down. It made me smile remembering in high school when her and Riley decided to become feminists and how she wouldn't let me pat down for her to sit since she could sit where she wanted without a man telling her what to do. But right now she didn't look as strong as she used to be, not just physically but mentally as well.

I gave her a pitying look as I sat down which clearly didn't help as she just broke down into floods of tears. I didn't really know what to do as I want very good at this girl thing, my last and only relationship was with Riley ages ago. I decided a hug would help her so I scooted over right next to her and embraced her in my arms, I couldn't bare to see anyone like this, especially Maya.

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