Chapter 13

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We stood there for about a minute, Maya and I facing Riley and Farkle, no one saying a word to each other. Rileys expressionless face soon turned into a wide smile along with Farkles.

R- Maya, it's so good to see you again, I missed you so much

M- you did?

F- we always talk about how it would've been nice to resolve that argument and sort everything out

M- really?

I was quite surprised that they'd missed and talked about her, since it had been so long. I was expecting them to tell her and I to leave or everything would just be awkward but it wasn't, it was almost as if it was before the argument.

R- yeah, so I guess you did steal Lucas from me in the end

M- oh, I didn't know you still liked him, if I would have known...

R- Maya, I was joking,  can't you take jokes anymore

L- she's getting there

I knew that it would take Maya a while to be her full sarcastic self because of her past and I didn't want her to feel pressured by Riley into explaining her self.

We talked for most of the evening with them until Topanga's came to close the cafe. She saw me and Maya and a warm grin beamed on her face.

T- Maya?

M- Topanga!

T- it's been years since I've seen you, Lucas you too

L- I know but we're here now

T- good, would you two like to come for dinner one day at our house with Riley and Farkle. I'm sure Cory would love to see you

L- that'd be great thank you

Getting a coffee from the local cafe had turned out better than I expected, we finally had our best friends back.

Work Of Art - Lucaya Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant