Chapter 6

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It had been about five minutes since anyone said anything. I sat there drinking my coffee whilst Maya looked out the window thoughtfully. Was she going to say anything, or just make this really awkward. I thought of saying something to try and lighten the mood but that would probably just have made the situation worse. She eventually turned her head to me and started to speak.

M- What do you mean?

Really? It took her five whole minutes to say four words, to ask such a simple question. It may have been an easy question to ask but it sure wasn't an easy question to answer. Whatever I said could change our relationship depending on how she took it, she could never want to talk to me again, or she could feel the same way, but I doubt she would.

L- What do you mean, what do I mean?

M- You basically just said you wouldn't mind if we were like a couple

L- Did I? 

M- Yes you did, that's what I've been thinking about

L- and your opinions are?

M- I'm not really sure. I'm so bad at relationships, I broke you and Riley up, josh and me never turned out well

L- Maya, don't worry about it. I only said that because we act like one. We live together, spend all our time together and now you want to help pay bills

M- it's not that I don't like the idea of being with you, it just isn't practical at the moment. Plus I've only been here for like a week

L- I know. How about we go back to being as we were

I've been so happy with the company so if she wasn't happy with being in an official relationship then we didn't have to. I didn't mind as long as she was still with me.

M- but that wouldn't work now that I know we have feelings

L- feelings are too complicated. How about we do whatever we want and just don't have labels

M- like friends with benefits?

L- no not quite but sort of. We can act like a couple but when people ask we are just friends

M- I like that. Thank you for considering my feelings

I feel like we met in the middle, we both get a sort of relationship that isn't a relationship.

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