Excerpt 11

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"What's up with you lately?" He asked, looking deeply into her eyes with concern
She sighed and stared straight back. "I'm not quite sure myself. I guess I've just been really sad lately."
"I would've never guessed. You haven't been crying, and you didn't tell me something was up." He said, confused.
"But you see, that's the thing. Being sad doesn't always mean tears are streaming down your face crying and screaming from all the pain, sometimes sadness is silent;most of the time actually for me. Sadness can be staring straight at the wall with burning eyes, not knowing what to do with yourself. Sadness can be having so much frustration and mixed emotions you scream internally. Sadness can feel like your whole world is falling apart but you're so numb you don't do anything about it. Sadness isn't always visible; it can be putting on a fake smile, laughing throughout the day but being buried in so many emotions at night to handle. Sadness doesn't always mean having tears stream down your face and red puffy eyes, it means much more than that. " // excerpt from story I'll never write #11

A/N: sorry this sounds so depressing guys it was written a while ago. Tbh I've been busier but I'm still trying to update 1-3 times a day❤️

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