Excerpt 27

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"I just feel so empty." I complained

Beside me, my friend sighed loudly and said, "and who's fault is that? Is it that boy's who left a month ago? Or is it yours? You're blaming him for leaving you empty yet you're not even taking any of the blame for allowing yourself to feel this way, allowing yourself to lose all hope just because one person is no longer in your life? Get up and fill your life with something more than a boy who isn't here anymore! It's quite sad, you're feeling empty but you're the one who's been allowing yourself to feel this way the whole time-"
A hear a pause from her, then I hear a stuttered word which she stopped herself from speaking. She looks at me with a look of remorse of the fact that she had just blown up at me.

Then, I felt her get up, and I look up to see her walking out of my door in frustration and regret. Once she left I let the tears flow; it was not because I felt empty and alone, it was because after all this time, I had realized she is right, despite whatever or whoever would like to tell me differently. She had meant only the best, and I'm glad that she gave me that realization.

A/N: hey guys I know this isn't really an amazing excerpt but for this one, I want the message of this excerpt to stick out more than the quality (still wrote it as best as I could btw) I want it to let people know that they don't need to feel empty if someone leaves them, and you can't blame someone completely for how you feel because you allowed them to let you feel that way. This is what a friend that is no longer in my life had taught me and it still sticks to me.

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