Excerpt 22

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I looked into the mirror and cringed at what awaited me when I looked. I saw red puffy eyes, I saw the stained cheeks with dried tears, I saw how pale my face was, and I saw how lifeless I looked, yet I felt so much.
I felt broken, hurt, and I didn't know where to go with my life at this point; I felt hopeless and lost, which may have been the worst of them all.
As I stared at my reflection in the mirror, I refused to sit on the floor and cry again, despite how much I did not want to stare at how helpless I looked.
I need to acknowledge that this is who I am in this moment, and although I hate this fact, I need to also realize the fact I won't always be this lost. I'll have direction in life someday, and wonder why I was ever able to lose the compass in my life.

I don't know where I'll go from here, but God, I hope that heartbreak isn't going to me in my path anymore.

A/N: hey how is everyone doing? I want to know what you guys like better- my third person excerpts or the ones in first person POV, please please let me know in the comments! Thank you! ❤️

Story Excerpts Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt