Mac 'N Cheese

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I stood in front of the stove with a plastic spoon in hand stirring the elbow noodles. I got some noodles on a spoon and pulled one off. I bite into it and it's still crunchy. I go back to stirring. I hear a door open and close followed by footsteps. The steps grew louder, and I smiled a little.
"Good morning," he said in his husky morning voice. "Mac 'n cheese again?"
He laughed a little and walked closer to me.
"Afternoon, actually. And yes, again. It's delicious."
He put his hands at my sides and laid his head on my shoulder. I went back to my stirring, making sure not to overcook the noodles. He nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck, which caused me to burst into a fit of laughter. I spun around to do a counteract, but he trapped my arms in his hands and pulled me closer. A smile was spread across his plump lips. I looked into his eyes then laughed.
"I'll get you back," I giggled.
His eyes widened.
"You wouldn't," he breathed.
I raised my eyebrows and put my nose to his.
"You wish I was kidding."
I got out from his grip and turned around. I picked and took the pot over to the sink. I drained the water and came back to the stove. He reached his arms back around me and huffed.
I looked back at him and questioned, "What's the matter?"
"You love that more than me it seems."
I laughed.
"No, dork. I love you both equally," I laughed.
He nudged his face into the side of my neck again. I jumped and turned around. He pulled his head up and smiled. I smiled and reached up to his face. My hand grazed his chin then to his cheek. I held it there and pulled my other hand up. His eyes fluttered closed, and I giggled while pulling his face towards mine. We sat there nose to nose; his eyes were still closed, and I bit my lip slightly. He stirred closer to my face then smiled as our lips brushed together. I leaned into him brushing my nose against his as I placed my lips on his. We lingered like that for a minute.

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