I Don't Even Know...

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He ran his fingers through his hair while staring at the ground.
"You do realize we've been dating for six months," he mumbled as he wrapped his arm around her.
She rolled her eyes and looked at him, "Seriously? We are going to have this conversation again." She let out a light laugh. "I already told you I'm waiting for the right moment- whether it be after I'm married or on a Tuesday in July."
He smirked, "It is a Tuesday in July."
Again, she rolled her eyes and pulled his arm off of her. She got up from the booth to go to the other side. He pouted as she did so, and she just stuck her tongue out at him. He reached his hands across the table and put her hands in his.
"I don't plan to force you into anything, but I'm a guy so 'it's always on my mind.'"
She pulled his hands closer to her, making him lean over the table. She leaned across the table and laid a light kiss on his lips. He smiled and bit his lip. She leaned back with a smirk and rolled her eyes.
"Do you just like to roll your eyes a lot?"
She rolled her eyes then busted out in laughter. He motioned for her to come back to his side, and she just leaned back, laying her arms on her stomach. He got up from his side and plopped down next to her.
"The service here sucks," he stated quite loudly.
She poked his cheek, "Well, that could be because this is a McDonalds where you go up and order."
He sighed then got up.
"What exactly do you want?"
"Um, just whatever. I guess," she spoke.
"Two Big Macs, coming up!"
He went off to order, and she ran off to the bathroom. She pushed open the door and walked to the sink. She dampened a paper towel and patted at face.
"You don't have to do anything with him. Buuuuuut you know you want to."
She sighed and looked in the mirror.
"Why does he like me again? I mean, I'm nothing special. I'm just an average girl, and he usually dates people that are all pretty."
She pushed the door open and went back to their booth. He had gotten the food but hadn't started eating.
"I thought you had run off," he joked.
"Yeah. I totally ran off," she laughed as she slid into her side.
He handed her her food.
"Why do you keep sitting so far away from me?"
He looked up at her as she shrugged.
"'Cause you smell."
He lifted his arm and sniffed his armpit.
"Come on, I don't smell that bad. At least I don't smell like I fell in the Bog of Eternal Stench."
She laughed, "Referencing my favorite movie! Gosh, I really do love you."
A smile spread across his face. He grabbed her free hand and kissed it.
"Ew! You got that sauce stuff all over my hand. Gross!"
She lifted her hand to his face and wiped it on his cheek. He glared at her with a smirk. She pulled the burger up to her mouth as she watched him smirk even bigger.
Her eyebrow raised, "What did you do to my food?"
He said he didn't do anything, she was just paranoid. She started to take a bite, and he busted out laughing.
"You know what? I'm not hungry anymore. You can have my burger."
His eyes got big as she handed him her burger.
"Go on, eat it."
He brought it up to his mouth about to take a bite as she took his original burger. She unwrapped it and took a bite. He finally took a bite of his as she started screaming.
"Oh my god! You, ass! Why would you put salt on a burger?! Oh my god!"
She squealed as she took a big gulp of her tea. She spit it out all over him.
"Oh my god! You contaminated my unsweet tea with sugar."
At this point all the staff was laughing or looking confused while he was on the floor laughing.
"What are you 12?!"
He stopped laughing long enough to say, "On the inside."
He finally stopped laughing and got back in the booth. She was furious.
"That's payback for the clown at my last birthday," he smirked.
She growled, and he patted her head.
"Be a good doggy."
She got up, grabbing his cup opened it and poured it all over him. He sat there with his mouth hanging open. She took her thumb and swiped it over his lips.
"I say we're even now."
She smirked then leaned down and placed a kiss of his lips. He pulled her into his arms as he stood up from his seat.
"I love you," he whispered in between their kisses.
"I hate you more."
She smiled then looked over to the rest of the place.
"Sorry! We'll clean this up."
The whole place erupted in laughter and applause. A staff member gave them a mop and broom.
She shoved the supplies towards him, "Have fun cleaning!"
He stood dumbfounded and watched her leave to her car. She waved through the window before getting into her car and driving to her apartment.
About half an hour later, she heard a knock on her door. She looked through the peephole and saw him. He stood there soaked with something in his hands. She opened the door, and he lifted up what was in his hands.
"Just wanted to make up for tonight. I shouldn't've been such an ass."
She smiled taking the box from him and pulling him inside. She opened the box to find a small teddy bear and her favorite candy. She awed then turned towards him. He smiled down at her, and she pulled him in to a hug.
"I don't deserve you. You give me things but also do the weirdest crap with me," she huffed.
He wrapped his drenched arms around her then placed a small kiss on her head.
"Why are you so wet? Is it raining?"
He whipped his head all around, making water get all over her.
"No, I decided to go through a car wash. Yes, it's raining," he laughed.
She wiped the water off her face with her shirt. She went into the hall and came back with a towel, throwing it to him.
"Take a shower, dog."
"Ruff. Yes, ma'am. Ruff."
He ran off to her bathroom while she went to her room to try and find clothes for him. She finally found a shirt of his she took and a pair of his old sweatpants he never took back to his. Heading to the bathroom, the shower was already going.
She knocked then half yelled, "You in yet?"
He shouted, "Almost."
She waited a minute until she heard the curtain moving. She opened the door and put his clothes on the counter.
"Hey, fella! I got you some clothes."
"Thanks," he called.
She turned to close the door, but he called her back.
"Wanna join me?"
"I just took a shower, you horndog."
She heard him sigh, causing her to giggle.
"So what? It's better to be extra clean rather than sorta clean."
"You're not exactly wrong."
He laughed a little. "Then what are you waiting for?"
She smiled and shook her head.
Pulling off her shirt, she said, "Gimme a second."
She threw her shirt to the ground and pulled off her sleeping pants. After pulling off her undergarments, she pulled the curtain back some and stepped in. The steam masked where he was standing. He grabbed her sides and pulled her close. He leaned down and kissed her. She giggled and pulled her hair out of a bun, letting her hair flow down. He moved some strands behind her ear and looked into her eyes.
"You know, I really do love you, right?" He sighed, "I mean, I know I don't say it enough, but I do. I really and truly do."
She bit her lip and looked into his eyes.
"I know you do. I can feel your love through everything you do."
He smiled in relief then pulled her head up by her chin and kissed her.

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