I Said No

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His drunken words swirled around the room. A smirk on his lips as his eyes scanned the crowd. I knew what he was up to, and I wasn't going to let it be me.
"I'm just going to head out," Greg, my best friend, explained. "You'll be fine, right?"
I nodded my head towards him as he finally interlocked his hand with Stephen. A smile crept to my lips as I saw the happy couple walk out the door. They waved goodbye as they got in their car and off they went down the road.
"Shit! I didn't drive here," I finally realized, "I guess I'll have to call an Uber."
I walked away from the door to get another drink from the kitchen. I bumped into a tall figure who managed to mumble a slurred sorry. I waved it off and smiled as I entered the doorway. I grabbed another glass from the counter and took a gulp of the drink. The alcohol burned the back of my throat, but I continued to drink the rest.
I started to hum as I left the kitchen towards the living room. I remembered sitting down on the couch next the the drunken asshole that was scanning the crowd before, but I felt too drunk to care.
"I've only had two cups. How could it be affecting me this much?" I pondered out loud.
The guy sitting next to me smirked as he did before, then I blacked out.

I could hear the rustling of a wrapper and blankets. I suddenly felt a weight on top of me. My eyes snapped open as I realized what was going on.
"NO! Get off! GET OFF!" I screamed at the stranger.
I could hear a chuckle and breath on the back of my neck. I flinched as I continued to scream and try to wiggle out from under him.
"I said get off, ASSHOLE!"
He moved around and leaned closer to me.
My throat grew sore as I continued to scream.
"Somebody!" I squealed. "HELP ME!"
I could hear beating against the door.
"HE-" I tried to scream, but my face was smothered into the pillows in front of me.
The door started to crack. The hinges were coming loose. My screams hushed by the pillows.
The breath on my neck ceased when the door came crashing down.
The tall figure from before merged from beyond the door into the room straight to the bed.
"What the hell, Brad!" the figure screeched.
The man straddling me chuckled then slurred a "What's wrong, man?" I whimpered and started to cry coming to my senses, knowing what just happened. Everything flooded into my brain at once. The fact that I'll need to file a police report, go to the hospital, tell future relationships what happened, and that I'd never be the same again. I was no longer the girl I was a mere hour ago. Now I was a rape victim.
The tall figure grabbed Brad off of me and threw him in the hall. He rushed over to me as the tears fell from my eyes. I clutched the blanket to my chest and sobbed.
"I'm filthy. I'm disgusting," I cried. "How could I let this happen?"
The figure flipped the lights on, and I drew the covers closer to me. He pulled off his oversized hoodie and handed it to me.
"Here. I'm not sure where your stuff is," he huffed. "I don't see it anywhere in here."
He offered a smile as I took his hoodie. I weakly smiled back before pulling the blue cloth around me. It warmed me; it comforted me. I tried to get up, but he insisted on me staying there as he went to grab some things for me.
After a few minutes, he came back with a phone and a cup.
"That's not from the pa-"
"No, no, no." He shook his head, "I promise. Nothing in that but water."
I thanked him, taking a drink of the cold water. I started to dial 9-1-1 as Brad had found his drunken ass back to the room. The figure pushed Brad into a different room and locked the door.
"Don't want him back in here."
He chuckled; I gave a short smile. I hit call.
"Do you want me t-- I mean I can leave if you want me to?"
My eyes widened, "N-no. Please stay, I'd rather not be alone with my thoughts."
He nodded and sat at the desk across the room.
"9-1-1 what's your emergency?"
Tears filled my eyes as the man spoke. The figure took the phone seeing I was about to break down.
"Hi, erm, there was this party, and my as-- I mean my friend spiked this girl's drink, whom he raped."
He looked over at me. His hair falling over his eyes and his face flushed.
"My name and address?" He sighed, "Kraig James, that's with a 'k'. And I'm not sure about the house number, but we're on Transit Road. Okay, thank you."
He hung up the phone and turned towards me.
"Are you going to be oka-- No, that's a stupid question," he sighed. "You'll never be okay. I mean, you were just raped."
He paced the length of the room as I cried more. Kraig walked towards me apologizing time after time. My cries grew louder as I heard the ambulance outside the house.
Kraig met the EMTs at the door and lead them to me. By then I was shaking in fear and sobbing dry tears coming out.
"Ma'am, if you'd come with us."
A male EMT tried to usher me down the stairs, but I refused.
"Bill, I told you to let me handle her," the female EMT walked towards me with a blanket. "Seriously, what are you thinking? She's just been raped. Do you really think she's going to trust a guy right now?" she whispered.
I tried to calm down long enough to see straight and walk down the stairs. But I couldn't. I turned towards Kraig and put my arms out crying. He understood almost immediately and picked me up.
He carried me down to the ambulance.
Bill, the EMT, whispered, "I told you, Muriel, she'd trust some guy at least."
She elbowed him in the side as Kraig set me down. The EMTs helped me into the ambulance.
"Do you want to come with her, sir?"
Kraig looked up at the technicians unsure. I nodded my head towards him, and he climbed into the back, helping close the doors. The ambulance then pulled off onto the road and headed towards the hospital with the siren blaring.
I laid on the cold gurney as they hurried me to a room. A short man I assumed to be the doctor came in.
"We will be performing a rape kit. If that is okay with you?"
I nodded as tears still flow down my cheeks.
"A nurse will bring you a gown and a bag for anything you believe to be evidence of the rape. Meaning any clothes, a condom if you happen to have it for any reason, or anything else. She will also be performing most of the tests, and I will be back as soon as I can with the results."
I whispered a thank you as he left. I looked over the chairs in the room and saw Kraig. I leaned forward on my hands with sleepy eyes.
"This was not how I thought my night would be going."
A nurse in purple attire walked to me with a gown and bag. She smiled and walked out. I worriedly looked to Kraig whose eyes grew big.
"I-I'll just be outside."
He scurried out the door and closed it behind him. I pulled off my clothes and put them in the bag. I took off all my jewelry to place in the bag.

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