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Jimin POV

I love flowers. My mother owns a flower shop and garden in our neighborhood. Ever since I was litte, she'd taught me the meanings of all sorts of plants and flowers. by the time I was 12, I was fluent in the language of blossoms.

The flowers shop was all I had for a few years. My family moved from Busan when I was 5, and my mother started the flower shop while my father became a top Prosecutor in a large Law Firm. I had made no friends at first because I didn't speak any English. All I had were my flowers.

I made my first friends at the age of 7. I was too shy to approach anyone at school, but one other Korean boy named Taehyung had briefly played with me at recess. Seeing it as a chance to gain a new friend, I had went straight to my mother for advice.

"Umma, how do I make friends?" I had asked her while helping her water the Tulips. My mother had hummed in response, knowing that I was a shy kid who didn't have enough confidence to make friends on my own. Taehyung and his older friends had seemed to be the exact opposite.

"Well, about you give them the friendship flower?" My mother had suggested to me, making me tilt my head, as if trying to remember which one that was.

"Friendship...Oh! Would a yellow rose be okay?!" I asked, jumping up and down, almost dropping the spray bottle in my small hands. My mother laughed and retrieved the bottle before it slipped from my fingers, patting my head gently.

"Sure, Jiminie. how many do you need?" she asked me. I counted the number of Tae and his friends off my fingers.

"There's Tae, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jin, and Hoseok! I need five yellow roses!" I declared happily.

And so, the next day, I returned to school with five yellow roses to offer to my new friends, which they all gladly accepted. It made me happy, that I was able to communicate in a way that didn't make me feel shy or embarrassed. I suppose that was when I had started to substitute my words and feelings with flowers.


As the years dragged on, Taehyung became my best friend. I grew popular in school because of my apparent knowledge of flowers. Girls found it charming since I would offer one yellow rose if I thought they were friendly and nice. I had never meant to lead them on, so whenever they would confess to me, I'd return the next day with rejection and apology flowers. They actually took it quite well, surprisingly enough. The same went for the occasional guy that would flirt with me. I'd brush them off with an apology and they never felt aggravated about it.

Over the summer of my Junior year, I had dyed my hair a nice bright red color. My father didn't approve too much but my mom always encouraged creativity and even bought the dye for me. Going back into school as a senior and with a new look, the confessions were at an all time high. It was one faithful day that I was doodling in my English notebook, thinking about whether I should start bringing a dozen rejection flowers a day, that he came, and shattered the glass around my red rose (yes, I love Beauty and the Beast).

"Class, may I please have your attention! We have a foreign exchange student starting here today." I heard my English teacher's voice ring out. The chatter in the classroom slowly died down as everyone planted their attention towards the front of the room.

I stopped doodling in my notebook and looked up cursiously as Mrs. Willis spoke up. My eyes found him almost immediately. His tousled dyed blonde hair was streaked with pink, round doe eyes glancing innocently out at the rest of the class. His plush pink lips had opened to speak and that's when I heard his melodious voice.

My heart was beating so fast I could barely comprehend what was happening. I felt Tae beside me, poking my arm to snap me out of the trance I was in, but I was too far gone, I realized after the gorgeous boy spoke up.

"Hello, my name's Jungkook Jeon, and I moved here from Busan, South Korea. My English isn't the best but I'll do my best to learn more while living here in Chicago." His accent was there, but faint. He must have studied hard. Jungkook smiled, scanning the room, pausing when his eyes met mine.

I sucked in a breath and breathed out the first flower that came to my mind.

Tae smacked the back of my head.
"OW!" I blurted out as I rubbed the back of my head, giving Taehyung a weak glare. The boy simply grinned a boxy smile and turned back to the front of the class as Mrs. Willis spoke out again.

"Jimin, Taehyung, if you're quite done disrupting Jungkook's introduction?" She rose an eyebrow at them. Meanwhile, Jungkook was trying not to laugh by pouting his lips cutely. God, he was too cute. I didn't usually like cute, but for Jungkook, I'd change all my preferences.
"Y-yes, ma'am." I had replied while Tae gave a sharp salute.

"Okay then, Jungkook, you can sit next to Jimin over there. Bright red hair. Just yelled out loud. Can't miss him." Mrs. Willis joked which made the class chuckle and me pout. Jungkook just smiled and nodded, approaching the seat right of mine, confidently.

I could see that up close, Jungkook was even more interesting. He gave off a certain aura. It made you think if he would top or botto- I shook my head to free myself of the thought. I haven't had thoughts like that before. At least not in this type of situation with my current emotions. Anyway, Jungkook seemed a lot more haughty than he'd let on from afar. He had a little freckle on the side on his neck, and also right under his plush bottom lip. I noticed he was chewing gum, and barely registered when Jungkook had turned to me in question.

"Stare much?" He tilted his head, blowing a bubble with his bright blue bubble gum. I could smell it from here. "Shall I look at you too?" He smiled and leant his chin in the palm of his hand as he stared at me with much curiosity. Possibly as much as me. I gulped, not exactly sure of what to do in response.

It did not last, as Mrs. Willis demanded attention to start the lesson. Jungkook had come late in the day because of an apparent doctor's appointment and registry. So English was the only class he'd gotten to visit that day. After class was dismissed, I walked out with Taehyung, as we were planing to hang out at my place. Or so I thought, until Taehyung turned around.

"JUNGKOOK!" He's yelled the new boy's name, and I didn't dare turn around, even as i heard the friendly interaction between the two. It figures...Tae was always the social one. "I'm Taehyung, you can call me Tae or whatever." He introduced himself and I finally found the courage to turn around. I was greeted by a smiley Jungkook. Geez, he was cute. "And you know Jimin already." My attention was brought back to Taehyung, who was currently wiggling his eyebrows at me, successfully going unnoticed by Jungkook.

"Yeah..Hi Jimin Hyung." Jungkook waved. Oh, he was well mannered. I hadn't expected that.

"How do you know I'm your Hyung?" I asked, speaking to him for the first time. Jungkook seemed to visibly brighten after hearing me speak to him finally.

"I skipped a grade, so I'm younger than mostly everyone." He replied with that slight Korean accent I found so adorable. I nodded and gave a small smile in reply.

"Wah, Jungkookie must be a genius!" Tae exclaimed, and Jungkook scrunched up his nose.
"Actually, my math grades are horrible, but yes, I think I'm pretty advanced in all the other subjects." Jungkook laughed, a sound that made my heart practically soar. Tae and I laughed as well at what the younger had said.

"We're actually heading to Jimin's today to hang out. Want to come with? We'd love to be friends with you. Our entire group speaks Korean so we can help you out with learning more English too." Tae sounded very convincing and for a moment I saw no problems until i realized that we were going to my house. I slapped Tae's shoulder.

"You little turd, don't invite people to houses that aren't yours!" I scowled. Jungkook laughed again at our interaction and seemed to wipe away a fake tear. I smiled at the gesture, which Jungkook returned with another grin.

"I'd love to...If that's okay with you, Jimin Hyung." He said. I bit my lips momentarily and looked down at the ground, nodding my head curtly. My confidence had vanished again. Tae clapped me on the back and ut an arm around Jungkook's shoulders to start guiding him out the doors of the school. I followed a little ways behind the two as Tae blabbed on about where to get some of that bubble gum Jungkook had earlier.

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