Moss Rosebud

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Jungkook POV

Lately, Jimin Hyung had been distant. At first I had thought he was just trying to recover from what we did that night at Momo Noona's party, like me. But this distant attitude dragged on.

I liked to tease Jimin by not calling him Hyung when I called everyone else Hyung and Noona. He used to hit me and pout but I knew he wasn't hurt by it.

Now when I call him Jimin he just sighs with a weird sort of smile and gives me his attention. He had also stopped giving Taehyung and I flowers everyday. It isn't bad, but the change of attitude scares me. I asked Taehyung about it and he said he agreed, it was unusual for Jimin to do that as of recently.

"As of recently? Did he use to act this introverted?" I asked with a brow raised as Tae and I had Music Theory class together. We were currently working in our books and reviewing.

"Yeah, Jiminie used to be even shyer than he is now. But this isn't really shy, it's like he doesn't even want to socialize." Tae explained with a grim look. "Did anything happen the night of Momo's party?" He then asked me, which I responded by stiffening.

"Ah-no, Hyung. Nothing that I know of." I tried to brush it off but I could sense that Tae wasn't buying it. We were thankfully interrupted by Yoongi Hyung before Tae could question me further.

"Are you guys even working? Tch." He scowled lightly as he sat down in an empty chair at our table. Yoongi Hyung was the student teacher for this class, as I'd discovered my second day of school here.

Tae started to bicker with Yoongi Hyung in a friendly manner. I was still stuck with the question of what happened. I didn't remember exactly what went down that night, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to know.

Looking at Yoongi Hyung reminded me that if I liked Jimin, he'd just break my heart and hand me some flowers.

I'd been attracted to Jimin since my first day. In the classroom, before I introduced myself, I'd seen Jimin walk in. His red hair was strikingly vibrant and caught my eye. I was distracted by the teacher before I could see where he sat in the room. Luckily, after my introduction, I had searched around the room quickly and found him.

He'd looked somewhat shocked as our eyes met. His plump full lips had parted to utter a few words I couldn't hear before his friend, whom I now know was Taehyung, hit him.

When I was assigned to sit next to him, I was overjoyed. I thought the flower concept Jimin seemed to harbor was endearing. It wasn't until the next day at school that I even questioned his intentions and character.


I sat in my science class, working on a lab sheet with my partners Jake, Kyle and Hansol. Fortunately this class was filled with students a grade below me, so we were somewhat the same age.

"You're friends with Jimin Park, right?" Hansol had asked me. I nodded curtly.

"He's a cute and friendly Hyung." I had replied with a smile. Jake shook his pale blonde hair and his blue eyes seemed weary.

"He might be cute but his rep certainly isn't." Jake said. I made an odd face, my eyebrows drawing together in confusion.

"What? Why?" I leaned back in my seat. Hansol held up a finger and pressed it to his lips.

"Technically we shouldn't be talking about this, since Yoongi might yell at us, but since he's not here, we'll tell you." I listened intently, still confused about why Jimin's reputation was bad.

"The people who like him don't see him this way, only the sane people like us, truly see it. See her, and her, and her, and her?" Jake pointed to a pretty cute girl with long wavy brown hair, and then the entire row of girls behind her.

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