Lavender Rose

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Jimin POV

We had walked, only three of us, since the Hyungs were busy today with studies, to my house. Jungkook and Tae in front of me since the sidewalk was too narrow. The two seemed to get along, like their personalities were similar. It kind of made me jealous but I tried to not let it bother me so much. I could barely talk to the boy, hell, even looking at him was a struggle.

"Jiminie? Where are you going?" Taehyung called after me. That's when I realized I'd walked right past my house on the block, a few steps away from the entrance. Jungkook rose an eyebrow at me. With an embarrassed smile, I quickly backtracked to my front door.

"Sorry, got distracted." I mumbled as I took out my keys and unlocked the door. Pushing it open, I could hear Jungkook make a sound of surprise. I wouldn't blame him, as my house was practically a garden on it's own.

"Jiminie's mom owns a garden and flower shop so he has a lot of plants lying around." Tae sighed as he entered. "What's my flower today, Jimmy?" Tae asked after taking off his shoes and settin his bag by the door. Jungkook and I did the same.
"Jimin Hyung gives you flowers?" Jungkook asked and Tae nodded excitedly.

"It's just something Jimin does to be friendly." Taehyung explained to a clueless Jungkook, who nodded silently. "So what do I get?!"

I laughed lightly at the question and began walking into the den, Jungkook and Tae following close behind. After a moment of looking, I picked off a Geranium blossom from one of the potted plants before handing it to Tae.

I don't know when Taehyung had started understanding flowers I gave him, but he pouted. "AGAIN?!" He exclaimed. "This is the third time this month!" He stomped his foot. Jungkook looked confused again.

"Why that is a-err...why is that a bad thing?" He said, cutely fumbling his words. He was good at correcting himself though. Tae frowned while Jimin just smiled at him.

"A Geranium means stupidity." He said, holding up the blossom. Jungkook made a surprised face before laughing. "That's not funny, Jungkookie!" Tae whined.

I smiled and tilted my head to the side. "You want one too, Jungkook?" I somehow found myself asking. I didn't know where the sudden courage came from, but it was there, even for a second. Jungkook seemed to pause before nodding.

"I'd like to see what you'd pick out for me, Jimin Hyung." He gave his signature bunny grin and my heart just about stopped. I nodded stiffly and looked around the room, my hands reaching for the flower before I could stop myself by thinking logically. I held out the Gloxinia blossom towards Jungkook, who took it gingerly. "What's this?" He asked.

"....Jimin...." Tae blinked as he looked at the blossom in Jungkook's palm and back at me. Jungkook's eyebrows scrunched together.

"Is it bad?" He asked softly. Tae and I shook our heads vigorously. I didn't know why I had given Jungkook the flower of love at first sight. I sighed gently and Tae pursed his lips briefly, seeming to come to a decision as he broke out into a huge grin.

"Thanks a friendship flower!" Tae clapped Jungkook on the back. "It means Jiminie really wants to be your friend. He gave one to me back in elementary school." Tae explained. It was a lie, Jimin realized. And he thanked the gods that he had such a wonderful friend who would keep his new crush a secret for him until he was ready to officially confess.

"Oh! Thank you, Hyung. I hope we can be close friends too." Jungkook smiled at me and I smiled back. Tae sighed and plopped himself down on the sofa.

"So, want to play from Mario Kart?" He challenged Jungkook, who immediately found a seat while I went to get the controllers.

"Prepare to lose." Jungkook laughed and Tae shoved him playfully. I smiled to myself as I set up the game. Jungkook seemed to make me like him more the more time I spent around him.

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