Chapter Eleven: Sophie Newman

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As we sit at the table, everyone is staring at us intently, obviously looking for a fight. They may be expecting one--and I don't plan on it--but I think that this camp of teenagers would be no match for Josh and I channeling our auras, much less against Scathach and her dual blades.

I let my blue eyes travel around the large table while the centaur and Scatty begin their discussion and I notice that each person one: wears a bright orange t-shirt and two: has a very defined aura surrounding them. The girl they call Clarisse is shrouded in a thick, cloudy red aura and the blond girl Annabeth is outlined in a shimmery aura. I let out a light gasp as my mind jumps to the conclusion that I have found another Silver like myself.
My small noise makes Annabeth and the dark haired boy, Percy (who has quite a unique aura that ripples like waves in the ocean), next to her turn in my direction. I feel my cheeks turn pink in embarrassment as the boy turns back to the conversation, but Annabeth continues to stare. I feel her stormy grey eyes on me as she looks me up and down, calculating whether or not to trust me.
Not wanting to give into her attempts of intimidation, I harden my gaze and stare back. I can sense my own desperation to know her true aura in the back of my mind causing my own to begin to course through my body like adrenaline.
Suddenly, Annabeth's eyes go wide in surprise and now I know I've blown it. I can feel my pure silver aura as it wraps around my arms and legs and outlines my body and reflects off of every piece of metal in the room. Now everyone is staring at me and my now silver eyes meet my brother's, whose then turn to gold disks at the contact.

"Oh my gods..." Percy's tone was hushed in awe, while Annabeth continued to stare with her mouth parted.

Clarisse wasted no time drawing her long bronze sword and bringing it to my throat. My aura had no intention of letting her slit my throat as it immediately hardened into silver armor that shielded my entire body. Her bold move towards me caused Josh's aura to come to life, blazing even brighter than mine. His too concealed his body in golden armor along with Clarent humming in his hand, ready for a fight.
I lifted one gloved hand and grabbed the blade of Clarisse's sword and pushed it away from my throat. I never took my eyes off hers.

"It appears you two are being claimed by gods, yet I am not seeing any signs of who it might be." Chiron's statement cut through the tension. "Warrior, would you care to explain?"

He turned to Scathach, clearly expecting an answer, along with the rest of the campers and myself. Scathach locked eyes with Josh and I before beginning her explanation.

"Josh and Sophie here have just kindly demonstrated how they can shape and control their auras." Scatty said through gritted teeth, her vampire fangs starting to make an entrance to the already crashed party. At the blank stares she received, she continued. "A person's aura is an energy field that is specific to that one person, who can then learn how to harness it's power; such as wielding it into armor or using to heal."

Now Annabeth cut in.

"So if you're saying that every person has an aura, that means we all have one as well, right?"

Scathach nodded her head.

"Yes, and once you recognize your own, you will also be able to see glimpses of another person's depending on its strength. Each aura surrounds the person differently and certain colors retain more power than others. For example, Josh and Sophie are silver and gold," She dipped her head at the respective person as she said that. "Two of the most powerful auras known."

"So," Percy started, curiosity clear in his voice. "Can you see ours?"

This time I was the one who nodded their head.

"I can see many in this room, one of them being yours, yes." I watched his eyes widen in excitement and then turn questioning, but I already knew what he desperately wanted to ask. "Yours is a deep teal blue and it moves around you like waves in the ocean."

An almost cocky smile crossed his face and he looked down at Annabeth.

"Well that makes sense, doesn't it? I mean, I am the son of a sea god."

Annabeth smiled with him, but then turned seriously to me. It was obvious that she too was curious to know what her's was. I laughed lightly at her slightly confused expression.

"Yours, Annabeth, is an extremely light grey that shimmers around the outline of your body, it's actually strong enough that I originally thought you were a Silver like me. That's the reason I gasped earlier." I admitted sheepishly.

Annabeth just smiled, happy with the fact that I had just told her she was powerful, but that happiness soon diminished as Clarisse started her whole violent spiel again.

"Really?! Are you all serious right now? These people show up at our camp and start raving about some energy source and you believe them? If they're as powerful as they're saying, they could be here to destroy the whole camp and what are we doing? We're asking them what color our magical powers are. We should be-"

Chiron held up his hand for silence and she finally stopped her rant.

"I know that you are concerned for the safety of the camp, Clarisse, but never fear. I have heard of energy wielders such as them before and until now I have had yet to meet one. Their arrival here should be seen as a blessing from the gods and we shall host them as guests."

The centaur's decision clearly didn't go over very well with the fiery girl whose aura matches her to a tee. She dismissed herself from the meeting and stormed off to her cabin.

"Well, I'll leave it to Percy and Annabeth to show you three the camp and I hope to see you at dinner tonight. We will have a bonfire specifically for your arrival." Chiron finished before walking away, his four hooves clipping on the floors.

"Let the tour begin!" Percy exclaimed as he threw out his arms dramatically, earning himself an eye roll from Annabeth before leaving the Big House and introducing us to the everyday life of Camp Half-Blood.

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