fOur YeARs wOW

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I know that no one *really* wants to read author's notes, but it has been FOUR YEARS since I last updated this fic, and even longer since I started it. I was in seventh grade when I got the idea to mash these universes together and started writing, then came back to it sophomore year of high school to edit and add the pics at the start of each chapter, and now here I am--freshman year of university and finally able to remember my account login info. Its been so long and it is so cool to come back and multiple comments from all these years of people actually enjoying my writing. Its honestly been so long since I read Percy Jackson or The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel, I don't know if I can even continue this fic without skipping over some crucial character details. I've always appreciated the small details in fics, I don't want to be that person to be inaccurate, and honestly I have no idea where my past self was even going in terms of plotline so I don't know where to even pick up. But seeing the comments left over the years, I think I might try and see if I can add something to this, it'll have to be sporadic and on absolutely no schedule, but I'm willing to try. Who knows, maybe I'm not just talking to myself in this note afterall, maybe some of those who commented will see this appear out of your archive after completely forgetting about it--I know I sure forgot about it and its my own fic. 

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