Chapter Two: Scathach

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I got out of the car and immediately I knew that something was different about this place. I unsheathed my short swords and Sophie and Josh followed me into the woods. I noticed a sign that read 'Olympic Strawberry Farm' on it. That's strange, how would they get that name for a strawberry field? As we walked on, Sophie and Josh walked way too noisily and anything that might've been out here definitely knows we're here now. I turned my head and put my index finger to my lips and the twins got the notion. They were a little bit quieter, but I knew it's a little too late for that. Something's foot crunched dried leaves about twenty feet to my right, and my head snapped in that direction looking for the source of the sound. There's a flash of bronze plating in the brush near the sound and Josh pulled out Clarent. Sophie prepared to use her aura and I immediately brought my arms up with my swords out in front of me.

A voice calls out from the woods, "Put your weapons down!"

Josh turned towards the voice and yelled back, "Not until we know you're not a threat!"

About ten teenagers appeared out of the brush, all wearing Greek style armor. By the look on Sophie's face I can tell this was not what she was expecting and I wasn't expecting it either. They all looked about thirteen to sixteen years old; five were carrying swords, two had spears and the rest were archers. A tall wide-built girl with a spear stepped forward,

"Now you know we aren't going to kill you, put your weapons down."

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