The New Kid

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A/M: So sorry I have not updated in forever but I will be more active, but that is if I have time with everything I have to do but I will get to updating all of the story's soon......but I know why your here to read the story! So I will shut up now......ok end of A/N!☺️😅😓😰

It was a "normal" day for you,being in class everyone talking behind you, going too lunch as everyone sat away from you, and going home to care for your self...(I forgot to tell you that your parents are overseas and may or may not be dead...well I am sorry about that (y/N)......) but that is when the teacher said that a new student was coming to the school you go to. Lets just hope he/she has never heard of you since'd rather not remember...But you just hope it will be some one nice and kindhearted and not...mean or abusive. Anything but that. As you went on the bus to the back where you have always sat, you notice that the school bully was coming closer to where you were sitting as you got angry. You saw him do terrible things too a new student last year and it made you disgusted and have a deep hatred for him as the kid that he hurt was a friend. You screamed for help but nobody did. They just stood there watching. It made you mad that every one you knew was cold blooded and only some had hearts and cared. That helped, that they didn't judge. But after he sat in front of you he was snickering. You didn't know why but as soon as you got off, he ran off the bus with a...knife...and went for your eye. The bus driver the only one with a heart, did something besides giggle like a bunch of overly excited girls, she called a ambulance to help as soon as she did she grabbed the bully and pulled him aside and made him stay close as he was struggling I saw...anger? What did I do to make him angry? I don't know but I was bleeding pretty badly but the ambulance came and took me to the hospital, and stopped the bleeding and told me it will be stitches that will stay there for a good amount of time maybe for in till I was in college. The doctors said that my eye will have to be a diffenrent eye color which was ( y/n/e/c) a mouth full eh? Oh well! But after that day my life was much more difficult. But that was yesterday. Maybe the new kid will be nicer but...I don't know, so after the bell rang we sat down quietly as we watched the teacher come in and sit down with baggy eyes. "She must be tired..." said someone from the back of me. What? Someone sits behind me!? But nobody likes me. Oh, maybe it's the new kid. The teacher called out for the new kid and he told us he was Maxie and that he likes to study and read books. After he said that everyone sighed in sadness...maybe. But I personally was interested as no one read or studied often and the teacher was so happy that she perked up and said that it was great to meet him. "Sit anywhere you want." she said. Maxie gladly did that and sat down behind me and started to read something about volcanoes, and then the bell rang telling everyone it was time to go. But, Maxie asked me something that I'm happy about. "Do you like books?" I answered "Of course!" and he asked for my name and I told him "(y/n)! Nice to meet you Maxie!" He was happy, and went on the same bus only reading. I started to make my way home. As he waved to me, it was then that I knew that I made a friend.
Man! What a long chapter! And it was all over the place because it is 10:56pm and I can't sleep...😰😞well I will see you soon! Hopefully...

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