Chapter 3

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Percy's point of view

When my dad finished speaking all the other gods started yelling and asking questions all at once. Dad remained calm, but Since I was trying to decide whether I would accept or not their yelling made it near impossible to make a decision, besides the point that I couldn't understand a word they were saying. To get them to shut up I yelled, "Quiet!" All the gods who had been yelling went silent and I said, "I don't mean to be rude, but can we all talk like civilized people?"

 The room was quiet until Zeus finally spoke he said, "I can't believe I am saying this but Poseidon is right all in favour of making Perseus Jackson a god and a member of the Olympian council."

 All the gods raised their hands. My dad's speech must have really convinced them. I was stunned that none of the gods had been against it. With a hopeful expression on his face my dad turned to me and asked "Will you accept?"

I thought for a moment. I could forget about her, I wouldn't have to worry about the gods possibly trying to kill me, or monster attacks. It could be a new start. I made up my mind.I said, "it would be an honour to become a god and a member of the Olympian council.

 My dad looked to be the happiest I had ever seen him I knew he was proud of everything I had done.The gods stood up and began to chant in Ancient Greek, I only understood bits and pieces of what they said. I sat there not feeling any different until a ball of golden light entered my chest. I felt pain that reminded me of when I had bathed in the Styx. I managed not to scream. When the pain stopped I realized that I was lying on the floor, I got back up into a sitting position. My dad was looking down at me worried.

Suddenly I saw a flash and the fates were standing in front of me. I had seen them three times before which was three more times than I would have liked to have seen them. They said "All hail Perseus Jackson God of Time, waves, tides, swordsmanship, loyalty and Heroes, the fifteenth Olympian." 

 Just as quickly as they had arrived the fates left. The gods looked rather shocked by my getting time as one of my domains, I didn't blame them. I was rather shocked myself.

Only moments after the fates left Hestia walked over to me and asked, "Percy would you be my champion?" 

she sounded like she was worried that I wouldn't accept. I answered, "Of course lady Hestia I would be honoured to be your champion." 

She seemed slightly surprised, but she smiled and sent a wave of power to me. It was too much power all at once, and I passed out.

Percy Jackson The New God (Old Version,)Where stories live. Discover now