Chapter 24

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Percy's point of view

I felt somewhat better after talking with Piper. I said, "how about we go talk to Hestia and see if she will teach you." 

I wasn't sure where she would be, but I had a couple of guesses and I hoped she would be in one of those places because I really didn't want her to be at the third place that I had thought of.

I decided that we would check the throne room first because even though she now has a throne she could often be found in her eight year old form tending the hearth. For some reason I felt like walking like a normal person for once, so we did. Once we got there I looked in and sure enough there she was. We walked in and sat down at the hearth with her. I said, "Hello Hestia"

 she replied, "hello Percy hello Piper, what brings you to the hearth?"

 I spoke up, "Hestia we were looking for you, Piper just informed me that her mother hasn't  been doing a very good job  teaching her, we were wondering if you would teach her."

 Hestia thought for a moment and turned to piper and asked her what Aphrodite had taught her. After piper explained Hestia said, "I will teach you, but we will have to get the council's agreement first." 

We nodded understanding I had expected Hestia would say that. We stood and Hestia made a column of flames shoot toward the ceiling in order to summon the council. She had changed into her thirty year old form.

Once the other gods arrived Zeus said, "why have you called this meeting sister?" 

"I called this meeting because I was just informed by Perseus  and Piper that Aphrodite hasn't  been teaching Piper everything she needs to know in order to fulfill her duties as a goddess, and Piper has asked me to teach her instead."

 Hestia explained what Piper had told her and Piper confirmed it. I had already went and sat on my throne after Hestia summoned the council so I noticed that some of the gods and goddesses were glancing at Aphrodite frowning. As for Aphrodite, she didn't seem to think that there was anything wrong with the way she had been teaching her daughter. When Aphrodite spoke up claiming she had done nothing wrong the whole council started arguing.

I stayed out of the argument for the most part. As far as I could tell most of the gods and goddesses were arguing in favour of Hestia teaching Piper or were claiming that they should teach her. One of the gods or goddesses must have said something that really annoyed my dad, so I spoke up before a hurricane could destroy Cuba or some other country.

I said, "Enough! We need to make a decision here." 

all eyes turned to me for a moment before Zeus spoke. He said, "All in favour of Hestia teaching Piper." 

all hands went up except for Aphrodite, Ares and Dionysus. For once Dionysus was awake but I suppose he really didn't care who taught Piper. I believe that Zeus was about to dismiss the meeting, but my dad spoke up. He said, "I believe that there is one other thing that we should discuss before we end this meeting."

 I think we were all looking at him confused about what was left to discuss we had already decided who would teach piper and that was why the meeting had been called in the first place. He spoke again, "I believe that Percy and Piper's weapons should be upgraded to the level of that of a god. Right now they are still demigod weapons. They allowed them to survive as demigods but now they require something that suits a god since that is what they have become."

 Some of the other gods were muttering, but I couldn't really tell what they were saying. Dad must have heard some of their mutterings because he spoke again. He said, "Do not think that I am showing favouritism toward my son or Piper. Consider the fact that we have recently gone through two wars, if a similar event occurs in the future we need all our council members to be prepared if another one of our enemies were to reappear."

My father stopped talking allowing the other gods to consider his words. In my opinion you couldn't deny the logic in his words, and I wasn't just saying that because I wanted riptide to be upgraded to a super powerful weapon, because I would  have been content with my sword just as it was. An argument broke out, but then again that isn't exactly surprising since most of the time the gods didn't agree on anything and spent half their time bickering about stupid things or old grudges. 

Once again I stayed out of the argument, but this time it was Hestia that got the other god's argument to stop. After a vote it was decided that our weapons would be upgraded, I smiled slightly when the council couldn't deny the logic in my dad's words. It was determined that riptide would be upgraded by the cyclopes while katoptris would be upgraded by Hephaestus with some input from Aphrodite and Athena. After the meeting ended I was about to leave when I realized that there were still two gods and a goddess left in the room not including myself.

I shrunk down to normal human size in order to find out what they wanted. Oddly enough the first to approach me was Ares. he said, "Tomorrow at noon punk we fight until one of us submits, and I won't submit."

 I wanted to roll my eyes at him but I didn't partially because I wasn't one hundred percent sure that I could beat him. Sure I had defeated him when I was twelve but part of that might have been luck. I know that now I have new powers that I didn't have then but I am still learning about them. After sending me one final glare he left. I still don't really know what his problem is why he is always glaring at me but whatever it is I am going to do my best to win.

After Ares left my dad walked up to me he said, "I was going to take riptide to the cyclopes so they could complete the modifications but it seems you will need it for one more day."

 I nodded before saying, "I honestly don't know what his problem is but I am certainly not going to try and talk him out of it. If he wants to fight me so be it."

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