Chapter 25

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Percy's point of view

After I talked to my dad for a minute he left, I don't know where he was going but I assumed that he was going to his undersea palace since he spends most of his time there. He seemed worried about my fight with Ares the next day, he  knows that I defeated him when I was twelve but he also knows that I am still new to being a god so I haven't learned about all my powers yet. And we both know that I can't back down without looking weak so I have no choice but to do it.

After my dad left I walked over to the only Olympian left in the throne room. When I reached her I said, "Lady Hera I want to apologize for how I have treated you in the past, I shouldn't have gotten so angry at you when you sent me to Camp Jupiter. I understand that you were doing it in order to win the war. I also want to apologize for what I said to you after the quest through the labyrinth. I was being foolish I wanted to redirect your anger from Annabeth to me."

She seemed surprised by my apology but a slight smile crossed her face.  She said, "I Accept your apology Perseus I understand your reasons for doing what you did."  

I smiled slightly and said, "I thought it best to apologize because I am genuinely sorry and that you will have to put up with me forever now." 

 That last statement made her chuckle slightly and then she left.

I debated for a minute what to do now  I kind of wanted to see my mom  but I figured my dad was there so I went back to his palace where I was staying. When I got there I was slightly surprised to find him there.  I mean I know that it's his palace so he could drop in whenever he wanted to but he never really had, and since he hadn't used it much to begin with I never really expected him to drop by.  I said, "Hi Dad." 

He said " Hello son, I was wondering If there is something bothering you, these last few days  you haven't seemed quite yourself?"

Oh gods I thought what should I say, in the end I just said, "I'm fine Dad." I wasn't lying, after talking to Piper I feel better about my relationship with Amber, although I still don't like the idea of having to leave her eventually.  He looked at me for a minute and then he must have realized that there wasn't anything bothering me now. Either that or he understood that I didn't want to talk about it.  

He sat down in one of the chairs, so I sat down across from him. I kind of wanted to talk to him and get the awkward conversation over with, but then again I kind of didn't.  I thought for a moment  one thing that I had looked forward to when I had agreed to become a god was being able to see my father more, and I didn't really want to keep avoiding him.

I decided to just get the conversation over with. My dad said, "How do you like being a god."

 it's great so far," I said.

 That was the truth, for the most part I had been enjoying myself, sure the meetings could be boring, and Apollo and Hermes could be annoying but so far I had enjoyed it.   The best part was that I no longer had to worry if I would live to see the next day.  The fact that my dad had married my mom only made things better because I wouldn't have to lose her either. My dad smiled at me satisfied with my answer.  He said, "I think adding you to the council was one of the best ideas I have had in a while."

 I said, "Oh?" 

I wasn't sure why he thought that, was it just because he wouldn't have to lose me or was there more to it than that? He seemed to guess what I was thinking because he said, "There are several reasons why I think that. One of which you may have already guessed, I have told you before that you are my favorite son, so now I am pleased that I don't have to lose you. But that isn't my only reason. It seems that ever since you were added to the council our meetings have been shorter than they have been in a long time and I have noticed that you are usually the one who is getting us to end our arguments so we can make a decision." He chuckled after he said that.  "Have you not noticed that some of the other council members aren't as bored at meetings as they usually are?" 

I actually had noticed I just hadn't realized that I was the cause of it. he said, "The last reason is that Having you as a member of the council will remind us of the oath we made to you  to not forget our children, you have already reminded us of one part of your request that we had neglected." I nodded understanding his reasons.  He spoke again, "You may not be bound by the river Styx  like the rest of us but you should follow your own advice when it comes to demigods,"

 After he'd finished that statement he winked at me. Right there I knew that he knew  that I am dating a mortal.  When I realized that he knew I blushed which made him laugh.  He said, "I figured that it would happen to you eventually, but I didn't expect it to happen this soon."

 I replied, "Trust me neither did I,"

Percy Jackson The New God (Old Version,)Where stories live. Discover now