Chapter 6 - Land of Dragons I

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Chapter 6

A/N: Sorry for the long wait, but I'm out of school for summer so I have time to write!

We will be introducing two more BOC's and another badass female character! (My fave Disney character actually!)

Just a reminder, this story parallels (with minor differences) the plot of Kingdom Hearts II, so if you don't remember what happened you can look at this walkthrough I'm kind of going on to refresh my memory (). Or you can just take my word for it, either way =P

If Cloud or Leon is your BOC please read their individual results, otherwise it doesn't affect the story either way.

Please read the sync result!

Enjoy! <3


It had been a few weeks since the battle with the mysterious cloaked man. You, Kairi, and Naminé had grown your skills by training every day with the rest of the group. While you all were now pretty adequate all around, you had all grown into your respective roles. Naminé worked with Merlin and Aerith to better her long-range magic attacks and focused on healing. Kairi worked with Cloud and Leon and was more into physical combat, using her now developed strength for stronger, slower attacks, but also for deflecting oncoming blows for herself, Naminé, and you. You worked with Yuffie and Henry to incorporate magic with your poi for quick albeit less powerful attacks.

Kairi and Naminé had also found their "true elements." Kairi's was gravity, meaning she could make herself lighter if she needed or enemies heavier to slow them down. There were limits of course, both the radius in which she could affect those around her and how long the effects lasted, but she could essentially do them without wasting any of her magic energy.

Naminé's was psychic. She could use telekinesis to move objects or enemies closer or father away, once again for a certain amount of time and distance. She also had to keep focused, meaning it was difficult to handle multiple enemies at once, or even attempt to do it while simultaneously wanting to defend herself. The last skill psychic granted her according to Merlin was that she could have visions of the future by channeling those into her sketchbook. She could draw out the future she sees, but you were all warned they may or may not come true.

You, unfortunately, hadn't figured yours out yet. The battle in the Bailey was still unanswered, and it hadn't come up again, so the rest of the Restoration Committee just chalked it up to a fluke. When you brought up your concerns, Merlin mentioned that some people just don't have true elements, but you felt there was something. You were hoping you would discover that along with your past while on your journey. Despite that, Kairi, Naminé, and you were a balanced team of strength, magic, and speed, respectively.

You had enjoyed living with Cloud and Leon, but now was the time to move on. Kairi wanted to find her friends Sora and Riku. You wanted to find answers on your past. And Naminé couldn't bear to leave you two. It was time to go. You said your more sentimental good-byes to Cloud and Leon during breakfast.

After eating, Cloud, Leon, and you left to go to the garage where Cid was preparing your ship. You met up with the rest of the group and smiled at them all.

"Before we leave... I just wanted to say thank you to all of you. You were wonderful to us these past few months. We are eternally grateful," you said sincerely. You had grown close to these people and really will miss them dearly. You turned away, blinking away the tears that had come to your eyes and Kairi stepped in.

"We thank you for everything you have done for us. You trained us, brought us into your homes, gave us jobs... And helped us pay for this ship," she said as she hugged everyone individually.

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