Chapter 14 - Port Royal I

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A/N: Hello lovelies! Hope everything is going well and you're enjoying your summer. I've been working a lot but finally got to finish this chapter. 

I put up a survey on BOC's in my "Announcements" book so please comment on that for me!

Enjoy! <3


"Well, how do I look?" Axel said grinning.

"Not half bad, honestly," you said. You picked up your skirt in defeat. "This, however, sucks."

Axel looked at you. "Well I think you look nice..."

"You don't like it?" Elizabeth, the woman whose door you knocked on, asked you. Will, Elizabeth's friend, walked out of the room Axel was just in. Axel was currently borrowing some of his clothes while you were using Elizabeth's.

You shook your head apologetically. "No there's nothing wrong with the dress! It's just... hard to move in." You shifted uncomfortably, the corset digging into your wound. "And breathe in."

She laughed lightly. "Yes, that is a staple in these highborn dresses."

"How do you do this all the time!?" you asked in disbelief.

"You just kind of count down the minutes until you can take it off," she said.


"Anyways, thanks for letting me borrow these, Will," Axel said, shaking the man's hand.

Will smiled charmingly. "Of course, anything for Miss Swann's friends." He smiled warmly at Elizabeth. You noticed she smiled back just as familiarly.

"Let us pay you for the clothes," you said.

"Oh, don't worry about the dress. I have many, and honestly the less I have the better," said Elizabeth.

"And don't worry about my stuff Axel," Will said.

"Thanks, man," Axel said.

"It was great meeting you, but I must get back to the smith." Will gave you all a nod before leaving.

You grinned at Elizabeth. After you conversation earlier you couldn't help but give her a look.

Flustered, she changed the subject. "So how do you plan on going out to sea? Do you know anyone here who will take you?"

"Nah, we were just gonna wing it," Axel said stretching and resting his hands behind his head.

She looked at you both doubtfully. "Well... Good luck..."

"Thanks for all your help Elizabeth. I hope you get to do what makes you happy," you said, giving her a hug before leaving with Axel.

"What was that about?" he asked.

You shook your head. "Just some stuff we talked about."

He shrugged before changing the subject as you walked along the road. "You really do look nice. Like a real high-class lady."

"Apparently this is how governors' daughters dress," you said. "Elizabeth is high class." You sighed. "I wish I could go back to Destiny Islands and get some of my clothes back..." you said wistfully.

"Gotta be rough. It's pretty easy for us in the Organization; we just wear black all the time."

You sighed. "Oh well..." You walked for a little before turning to him. "Do you think we'll be able to find what's wrong with me? With... this?" You motioned to your abdomen.

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