Chapter 16

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Time only seemed to past by more the closer that Carter and I got. It felt like our time together was getting shorter and shorter as months passed by. I knew that him leaving was going to come sooner than I wanted it to. Carter hadn't exactly said when he was going home, but I knew that one of these days he would be ready to go home and I probably wouldn't ever see him again. Or it would be a long time before I would see him again. It just all depends on what happened with his parents. I didn't think they were going to be accepting at all with the way Carter had talked about them or the way that they ruled our country.

It was either going to take them a long time to accept the changes that Carter wanted to make or they weren't going to accept the changes at all. I hoped that they were eventually going to accept the changes that Carter was going to make, but sometimes people didn't do well with change and were completely against it so I knew that it was a possibility that it was going to be some time before Carter's parents accepted change and I got to see him again.

There was a part of Carter that was really starting to want to go home, but the other part still wanted to continue living the life that he was currently living at the moment. He liked having a job and being able to do whatever he wanted and go wherever he pleased. Going back to his home and family would stop that until he became king and was able to change things to the way that he wanted them to be. I knew that Carter wouldn't be able to make any changes or tell his parents about the changes he wanted to make until after he was king since they would stop him before he could make any of those changes.

If they knew that Carter wanted to change things before he became king then they wouldn't allow to him to become king. And that was just one of the ways that they would stop Carter from making any changes to what they thought was an already perfect kingdom. So, Carter knew that he had to be ready to go back to the way things were until he was king and could do what he wanted without his parents stopping him.

"So, you just sit in the back room while he does his job and takes inventory?" Emma asked me as we were sitting in a restaurant waiting to get our lunch. It was a couple months later since I had shown Carter the view of the city. He was at home at the moment since Emma had wanted to have lunch with just me. I don't think he minded since I knew that he realized that he had been taking up most of my free time so I hadn't spent that much time with Emma lately.

"Yeah, I write and we talk every once in awhile. He doesn't know the way back to our house yet or else I would go home, but it's probably just better if I stay so no one gets suspicious that someone's robbing the place after I've left when he's just there to do his job. All we need is the police showing up and finding him there. They'd take him away for sure and return him back to his parents before he's ready to go back on his own," I replied keeping my voice low so that no one would hear us talking about Carter. We hadn't said his name, but that didn't mean that they wouldn't catch on to who we were talking about.

"At least that means you two get some time alone together," Emma said keeping her voice just as low as mine. She looked around us, probably to check to see if anyone was listening to our conversation. I did the same, but no one was paying any attention to us.

There was really no reason for anyone to pay attention to us anyways. We weren't bringing any attention to ourselves and also were avoiding saying Carter's name out loud. Saying his name would have brought attention on us since the Carter everyone knew was a prince. I didn't know any other Carter's so it was very possible that if we were to say his name out loud, people around us would know exactly who we were talking about. It probably also helped that there was no one sitting at the two tables next to us.

Only the ones a table over had been filled up with people before and after we had gotten here. And those people were too busy in their own conversation to pay attention to ours. We were still going to be careful no matter whether or not there were people sitting next to us because eventually those tables could be filled and we wouldn't even notice it. And I knew that Emma was going to keep the topic on Carter for as long as possible.

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