Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

It had been one week since Edward had ditched Bella and confessed his love to me. Ever since then, we have spent ever second we could manage, together. We both didn't want to tell our families because a) They wouldn't be able understand how two enemies could love each other and b) We were afraid. Edward, of course, had not admitted his fright to me but I could tell how scared he was, with the shift of his eyes and the rigidness of his muscles. I was scared as well but I wasn't able to admit it either.

I could feel him studying me, his eyes reaching into my soul and pulling out my deepest secrets. Even though I desperately wanted to tell him that I was scared, I couldn't. I had to be a man about it and I hated every second of it.

Women think that being a man is easy but it's surprisingly difficult. You're not allowed to cry or show your emotions because then you'll seem like a sissy. But what's so wrong with showing your feelings? I had basically opened my heart and let it spill out right in front of Edward and Bella and the best thing that could of possibly happened, happened.

I could feel my attraction to Edward grow everyday. His freezing hands used to make me want to slice them right off of his wrists, but now, all I wanted to do was let them hold me. The stark contrast in of his cold fingers against my warm skin was enough to make me shiver at a single touch. Even things that completely disgusted me before, like his scent and the way he hunted, now made me want to melt inside him and never leave. I was love struck, and it was glorious.

I was so completely enveloped in my thoughts, I hadn't realized that Edward walked into the room. We were staying at my house while my dad was gone for the day. Thank God my dad is so old, that his sense of smell is completely gone because other wise, he would of been able to smell a vampire in the house. Ah... That was such wonderful word. Vampire. I have a vampire for a boyfriend. How exciting.

"Dammit, Jacob," Edward muttered, jolting me back to reality, "Something terrible has happened."

I could feel the blood drain from my face. I was afraid to ask, but I knew it had to be done, "What?"

"Alice. She's on to us. She knows. Or at least, she's close to finding out."

All the air in the room seemed to drain out. His eyes were wild and he wasn't moving at all. I could tell that he was barely breathing.

"Oh Jacob, what do we do?" He exclaimed suddenly, "What do we do?"

I looked down at the floor, but not seeing anything that was in front of me. I didn't understand how this could of happened. Hell, lately I've barely been able to understand anything. Edward clouded my vision and made it impossible to think. 

It was there, staring at the floor, when I figured it out, something that would give us courage.

"There is only one thing to do in a time like this," I say, standing up from my position on the bed, "And I think you know what it is."

Of course he knew what it was, he was a mind reader, but I like to be all cool and dramatic sometimes.

"Oh dear God, Jacob. No."

"Look at me, I will never pass for a perfect bride, or a perfect daughter,"

Edward gasps quietly, "Jacob, stop singing the song from Mulan."

"Can it be, I'm not meant to play this part? Now I see, if I were truly to be myself, I would break my family's heart."

"Jacob! Stop."

"Shh," I whisper to him, "Shut up and join me."

"Who is that girl I see, staring straight back at me," I sing, continuing back into the song.

Suddenly, Edward grabs my hands and does something, I didn't think would actually happen.

"Why is my reflection someone I don't know?," He sings in his beautiful velvety voice, "Someone I cannot hide, who I am, though I've tried."

I stare into his golden eyes and we go on into the song, not as two, but as one, "When will my reflection show who I am inside?"

I pull him into a hug that would of crushed him if he were mortal. I had never had so much love someone as much as I do right now. I could actually feel my heart growing because it couldn't fit all the love I held for my Eddie (He told me that I was the only one allowed to call him that).

"Jacob," Edward whispers into my ear, "You were right. That did give me courage. We need to tell our families now. No matter how they react."

I pull away from him slightly and take in a deep breath, "Okay... I hope you are prepared to die because they will murder us."

"I can fight anything as long as we're together," Edward murmurs and with that little sentence, I know we would be together forever.

A Forbidden Love Between Edward and Jacob: A Lot of Angry SexDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora