Chapter Nine

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I stared into Jacob's deep, soulful eyes, lost in their coffee brown colour. My eyes drifted down to his perfectly shaped lips, moving as he said things I wasn't even paying attention to anymore, I was too fixated on his absolute beauty to listen to him. I bit my lip, thinking about all the things he could do with those perfect lips of his. 

"Edward? Are you here? Edward?" Jacob questioned as he snapped his fingers in front of my face, trying to bring me back to reality. I shook my head to clear it of my previous thoughts, but his concerned yet slightly annoyed expression distracted me again. I couldn't focus when he looked so good. 

"Hm? Oh, yeah, right. Um, you were saying?"

"Yeah, I was saying that we should probably start leaving at about 5 if we want to get there at 6, but dinner won't start until probably around 7 so it shouldn't be too big a deal if we show up a little late."

"Yeah, late." I replied with a wink. 

"Jesus Edward, is all you think about sex?" Jacob asked in an annoyed tone. 

"Honestly, probably. But it's your fault for looking so damn good all the time." I answered as I moved closer to him, pressing out bodies closer, beginning to undo his tie. 


I cut him off by pressing his lips to mine, tasting his sweet flavour. 

"Edward, we really should get going." Jacob said when he pulled away from me, not seeming to have completely convinced himself of that, his eyes having lingered on my lips for longer than normal. 

"We could leave for dinner," I suggested, "Or we could stay here and have some fun. You said yourself, we can afford to be late."

Jacob looked conflicted as he mulled over the options in his head. 

"Ohmygodfine!" He exclaimed as he smashed his lips against mine, hungry for the taste and sensation that they bring. 

I felt extremely proud in that moment, having made him temporarily forget his responsibilities and making him act on feeling alone. He was always less emotional than I was, never skipping out on something he had to do. The change was nice. 

I attempted to deepen the kiss, swiping my tongue over his lips in a silent question for entrance. At the same time, I grinded our crotches together, drawing out a moan and forcing him to open his mouth. I slipped my tongue in, tasting the mint gum he had chewed earlier.

Jacob backed me up against the wall as our tongues fought for dominance, both of us wanting to lead the kiss. I gasped in surprise when my back banged against the wall, the force taking me off guard. I'm sure at least one picture had fallen off the wall, but I couldn't have cared less in the moment. Jacob took my gasp as a queue to go hard, faster, stronger. His new fervour was completely and wholly welcomed by me as I tried only to match his pace. 

Jacob picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, knowing all too well what was going to happen, the anticipation making me even more excited. Jacob carried me to out room and dropped me unceremoniously onto the bed, climbing on top of me slowly. My eyes never left his as he came up to me, his face hovering only centimetres from mine. As I stared into his deep chocolate brown eyes, I saw only pure love, making me fall even deeper into him. I reached up to lock our lips together, loving the heat that spread through my body.

Jacob moved his lips down my body, unbuttoning my shirt as he went lower and lower. When he reached the waist of my pants, he looked up me, lust clear in his eyes, and unzipped my pants. My eyes rolled back in my head as he moved his mouth in all the right ways, knowing exactly what to do to get me reaching my peak. He was finished too soon, moving back up to me as he stripped himself. He rotated his hips in the ways he knew I liked but still chasing his own high. When he finished, Jacob fell on top of me making it even harder for me to breathe. We layed like that for a while, maybe minutes, maybe hours. We listened only to the sounds of the other breathing. I was the first to move, not being able to stand him being on me anymore.

"Jacob, I love you, but I actually can't breathe right now so unless you want me to die here and now, you're gonna have to move."

Jacob's only reply was a grunt as he rolled over to his back. I readjusted myself so my head was resting on his chest.

"I love you, Edward."

"I love you too."


"Goodnight, sweetheart."

A Forbidden Love Between Edward and Jacob: A Lot of Angry SexWhere stories live. Discover now