Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

I stood there silently. What could I possibly say? This had to be some kind of sick, cruel joke that Edward was playing on me. Bella would be hiding somewhere in the forest, and when I confessed back, they would both burst into laughter and she would pop out and they would kiss and be in love with each other.

I know I'm supposed to hate Edward and that he no reason to do that because he thinks I hate him but... that doesn't mean he reciprocate my feelings. The mere idea of him liking me is absurd, never mind love!

I realized I had been standing here for far too long for having not said anything. Edward was staring at me hopefully, but I could the hope slowly fading as continued to to be silent. The was beginning to be replaced with dread, and fear, but most prominently, disappointment.

Maybe he does like me. Maybe... maybe he loves me! I figured I could reply to him honestly, seeing as there was currently no Bella anywhere as far as I could tell. As I gathered up my courage and planned how to say what I wanted, Edward spoke instead, "I understand if you don't feel the same. I mean, we are supposed to hate each other, after all. You're a werewolf, I'm a vampire, it would never work out. I just... after what just happened I was hoping that maybe you would at least like me. That, I could deal with. But, if you don't feel anything that I feel for you, could please tell now and tell me bluntly, so that I can get over you."

Once again, I was shocked. That Edward had just said was almost mind blowing. He really did like me!

"Edward," I began, "I like you too. Hell, I love you. But like you said, I'm a werewolf, you're a vampire, it'll never work. We may be fine now, but what'll happen when the honeymoon period is over? What'll happen when our natural instincts kick in, and we all but tear each other to shreds? And sooner than that, what would our parents say? What would our families say? What our entire species say? We would become outcasts, alone in the world."

"But we wouldn't!" he yelled back at me, "We wouldn't be alone because we would have each other."

"You're right, but would it be worth it. All that pain and suffering. Being cast out and looked down upon by everyone you know and love, would being together be worth it? Would we really be enough for each other?"

"Yes!" he cried out between broken sobs. I hadn't even noticed he had started to cry, "Being with you, it's all worth it. One hundred percent. It would always be enough for me, but you. Would it be enough for you?" Edward stared at me, eyes glassy from tears. I could a silent promise in his eyes, a promise to love and protect me forever, if I were to simply say yes.

"Yes," I replied quietly. The smile that broke out on his face was one of pure and absolute joy. It was a smile that contained the sun and moon and stars. It was a smile that could easily light up entire cities. And it was a smile that somehow stole my already missing heart.

He ran over to me, embracing me so tightly I thought my lungs might pop out from my throat. But I couldn't find it in me to care. In that exact moment, all I could care about was the fact that Edward was mine, and was his. Our parents would object. Mine might even disown me. We could be beaten, bruised, and abused for this. But I didn't care. We had to each other and that was all that mattered.

Edward pulled away from me, looking into my eyes, searching them for something. He grabbed my face, running his thumbs across my cheeks. He then smashed our lips together, and I could helps but think how he tasted of strawberries and chocolate. The kiss was messy, full of teeth, a bit painful as he bit my tongue a few times, and completely rushed. But it was perfect and I wouldn't have changed a thing.

A Forbidden Love Between Edward and Jacob: A Lot of Angry SexTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon