Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7: Bella

I twiddled my thumbs idly as I waited for my appointment. I so grossly did not want to be there. All my nervous habits were coming out; I found myself biting my nails, tapping my fingers, bouncing my knees, a number of other things. I looked around the room hoping it would in some way clam down. I was getting desperate. It was rather small and honestly very cozy, though I didn't quite realize that at the time. There were a few small plants scattered around the waiting area, probably put there in an attempt to make the space seem more welcoming. The two women sitting behind the desk were typing away endlessly at their computers and answering the occasional call. There was a young woman that couldn't have been more then 25 sitting across from me with what I assumed was a therapy dog. She had it in her lap as she played on her phone. I also saw a mother and her little daughter playing with blocks together. I don't know what I was expecting, but this was in no way helping me calm down. I looked at my dad in a sort of silent plea. I really wanted to go home and mope some more; I still wasn't over Edward and Jacob. He continued to read his magazine without even sparing me glance.

A door opened and an older woman holding a clipboard walked into the room. She looked at all of us for a quick second each then called out, "Bella?"

I stood up reluctantly only after my dad had pushed me forward, my movement too obvious to play off casually. I nodded slightly at the woman without saying anything.

"Come with me, please.", she said in a pleasant tone that did nothing to help me. She lead me through a short hallway and into a room that looked very homely. The lights were significantly lower than they were in the waiting room and hallway, it was comforting. She had a desk set up in the corner with various books and plants as well as a computer on it. There was a small table with two chairs set around it as well as other chairs scattered around the room. I sat in one that was in a corner, next to a bookshelf filled with stuffed animals.

She sat at her desk and looked at her clipboard once more before setting it down and looking at me. The signs of aging were very clear on her face, though it was hard to pinpoint exactly how old she was. She had gray hair and defined wrinkles. Her eyes were a clear blue and looked like she could figure out your entire life story just from a single glance. Everything about her seemed kind and understanding as she stared at me.

"Hello Bella,", she said in the same pleasant tome as before, "I'm Dr. Smalls, it's very nice to meet you." She looked me straight in the eyes with an unfaltering gaze and I could feel the sweat gathering on my palms. I tried to wipe them on my jeans discretely, but I'm sure she noticed. "Why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself, just to start us off?"

I was shaking from fear and my throat was the driest it's even been. I swallowed around the lump in my throat and tried to form a coherent sentence, not really caring about its contents.

"I'm Bella, I'm 17, and I really don't want to be here." I tried to say before my voice cracked. It didn't work.

"Why don't you want to be here?" Dr. Smalls inquired in her peaceful voice.

"I just don't like talking to people about myself which is literally all we're going to do here so..."

"And why is that, would you say?" She pushed on.

"I just, don't. I don't know what else to tell you."

"I see. Well, on another note, why do you think your father made this appointment?" She asked with her head tilted slightly to the side.

"Because I locked myself in my room and didn't talk to him for weeks." I answered honestly, the tremor in my hands fading by slight increments the longer we talked.

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