Chapter Four

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Chapter Four:

Minutes felt like seconds, hours felt like minutes. That is what it felt like to be in love. And since we both weren't aging, I knew there would be endless days where he could lay in my arms. But it seemed like we both might be dead in a few hours. I had been dreading this day for weeks; It was time to tell our families. And there was a high chance that they would murder us.

Edward promised me that we would be okay... and that we would tell his family first. It's hard coming out in general, but when you are in love with your supposed enemy, coming out is 1,000 times harder.

"Are you ready?" Edward murmurs, his hand stretched out towards me.

I set my hand in his and look into his eyes, "No. But lets get this over with."

We stand up from the small meadow Edward showed me. It was covered with beautiful purple flowers with specks of yellow peeking through. I didn't want to leave, I never wanted to leave, but now the dread of leaving is stronger than ever before.

I gripped his hand tighter in mine as we walked to Edward's house. I knew that he could feel my shaking as we went on but he didn't say anything about it. Looking back on it, he was probably too nervous to say anything, but at the time, it was comforting.

A petite girl with spiky jet black hair, shows up on the porch of his house. Alice, I guessed. Edward had told me about his favorite sister. About her psychic visions.

"Yes, that's Alice." Edward mutters, so quite that even I can barely hear it.

"Edward," Alice says with a serious expression, "what's going on? Why is Jacob here?"

Edward sighs, probably because of something I can't hear, "I have something important to say, Alice. We should all go inside."

I followed him into the house. It made me uncomfortable to know that they could all hear how hard my heart was pounding.

Edward squeezed my hand.

"Oh hell to the no!" the blonde one exclaims while her fingers, "what is that thing doing here?"

I roll my eyes, "Blondie, can you not?" She raises her perfect eyebrows to that one.

Within seconds, Edwards entire family was with us in the living room of his house. Alice and the older, mom like one, Esme I think, were sitting on the couch while the dad like one, Carlisle, was standing behind them. Seeing all of them made me think of how I should probably pay more attention to what Edward says. 

I suddenly remembered that Edward could hear everything I think which made me uncomfortable because then he would know that I don't have the best listening skills. 

Edward starts talking which I am severely grateful for, "Carlisle, Esme, Jasper, Emmett, Rose, Alice, Jacob and I have something to share with you... First, I would like for all of you to have an open mind..." He then stops and sighs. I could feel practically feel the tension spreading throughout his body, "There's no easy way to say this so, everyone, I'm gay... and Jacob and I are in love."

If I had thought to record their reactions, I would've or no one would believe me when I say that they were better and worse than I was expecting.

Emmett just burt out laughing while Rosalie stood there in horror, unable, for once, to say something. Carlisle and Esme looked confused and Alice just had a mixture of disgust and anger. 

Jasper was the one who completely flipped out. First, he lunged at me and Edward tried to block me but was pushed out of the way. Jasper then moved to claw at my throat but luckily, Emmett was able to pull him out of the way and quickly whisper something in his ear which made him stop moving. It didn't even look like he was breathing. 

Edward moved next to me and lightly puts his hand on my back, "I'm sorry, we didn't want to cause any trouble but I thought you deserved to know." 

I nod. The tension in the room was getting unbearable so we both exit the house in a smooth fashion. Once we were far enough away so they wouldn't hear, I pulled him into a big hug. 

"I'm sorry they acted that way," I whisper into his neck, "I can't imagine what you're feeling right now." 

"I'm the one who should be sorry," He whispers back to me, "I didn't think they would be mean."

"It's okay, Eddie... We're going to be okay. I know it." 

He nods, concern still plastered on his face, and pulls me in for a kiss.

A Forbidden Love Between Edward and Jacob: A Lot of Angry SexDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora