03. Never Mess With Slayers.

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Tia and Olivia stared at each other then back at Dean and Sam. "Stakes? Pfft these aren't stakes, these are...giant pencils." "Pencils?" Dean said in a confused voice. "Yeah pencils. Giant pencils are cute...well we need to get...erm drawing...? Yeah drawing. See you boys later."

Tia and Olivia sped off in the opposite direction. "That was close Liv." "Yeah I know, why are they out so late? Do they not know Sunnydale is dangerous?!"

Dean and Sam followed the girls to make sure they didn't get hurt, what with all the danger around. They saw two vamps nearby but to get to them, they would have to go past Olivia and Tia, and they certainly didn't want to expose themselves aswell as their jobs.

"Sam how are we gonna do this?" "Well we can't expose ourselves but if they try to hurt them then I guess we have no choice."

Sam and Dean were behind a bush watching eagerly. The two vampires showed themselves to Tia and Olivia. "Well what do we have here? Two girls, how cute." Tia and Olivia smiled at each other. The vamps began circling them.

"We're not just girls. Well we are...but we could easily take you." "You sure about that hunny? Look at you, you guys are tiny." "See you called us guys so we must look a bit strong huh?" Tia smirked whilst the first vampire looked speechless and tried to think of a comeback.

"I...I...oh forget it, lets fight." The two vamps tried to hit Tia and Olivia but the girls were too fast, they dodged the attack. The fight went on for about five minutes. It was mostly just Tia and Olivia toying with them but soon enough, they had got bored so they staked them.

"Erm Dean?" Sam whispered. "Uh-huh?" "What just happened?" "I don't know but it sure seemed like they knew what they were doing."

Tia and Olivia looked at the piles of dust. "Never mess with the slayers bitch." They both high-fived and walked off.



Sorry that this chapter is particulary short! I promise next time they will be longer!


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