08. Spell.

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Sam and Olivia broke away from the kiss. "That was amazing." Olivia said shyly. "It was, I think I'd like to do that again." "Me too." They both melted back into the kiss and slowly started removing each other's garments.

"Olivia wait. I don't want to pressure you. If this is not what you want, we don't have to." "I want to Sam. I can't describe it but I have a burning desire to be with you." "I know how you feel."

They continued with stripping each other when the door flung open and in emerged a flustered Dean.

"Sam! Erm...Sam...?" Dean had a confused look on his face until he pieced together what was happening. "Sam get out here now!" Dean spun around and walked out the room and downstairs. Sam grabbed his boxers and turned to Olivia "One moment."

Sam followed Dean's steps and went downstairs. "Sam what were you thinking?!" "Dean...I..."


"Spike do you think Olivia is okay?" Angel said. "Yeah sure buddy why?" "She's been acting all weird lately. She snapped at me this morning for no reason?" "Maybe it's her time of the month?" "Nope, I would definitely know about it if it was."

Spike thought for a moment before coming up with an idea. "I could always ask Tia if she knows anything?" "Yeah dude that would be fantastic."

"Tia!" Spike called upstairs. "Yes sweetie?" "Could you come here a second?" After a moment small patters of footsteps were heard before in came Tia.

"Tia do you think Olivia has been acting weird lately?" Angel questioned. "Yeah a bit. Maybe she just hasn't been feeling good." "Guys it's probably her time of the month." Angel and Tia both laughed at Spike's comment in unison.

"Dude I told you I would definitely know about it if it was." "Angel's right. You can totally tell when it is. Anyway she has been acting different but I don't know why. Have you tried asking her?" Angel shook his head.

Tia sighed. "Well that might be a good place to start instead of assuming something is wrong and then not asking just talking to others about it and not her." Tia turned on her heel and walked back upstairs.


"Dean...I..." Sam looked down at Dean with his famous puppy dog eyes. "No Sam, I told you to not get too attached!" "I wasn't!" "You were! You were about to sleep with her!" "That doesn't mean I'm attached! You do it all the time."

"That's different." "How so?" "Because I don't care about their feelings but you do! You don't sleep with random girls, you make sure they're worth the chase."

"Dean..." "No Sam, there is no use in making up excuses. I told you to do the spell then back off."


Ooo what spell?! Sorry this is crap, late, shit and short but I wanted to upload this for my beautiful best friend who so kindly did my make-up today. Love you gorgeous!


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