18. Parted Ways.

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Sam grabbed his weapons and headed out the door with Dean by his side and Olivia trailing behind. "Sam wait! You can't kill him; he's my boyfriend." "He might hurt you! I can't take that risk! Do you love him?" Olivia hesitated for a moment before giving a certain answer. "Y- yes" "You hesitated! You don't love him. You love me; you said so yourself."

Sam kept walking and didn't stop this time. He stopped for no one. He was on a mission and he wasn't leaving until he did what he came to do.

Once he reached Spike's, he decided to have the courtesy of knocking since it was Tia's house and not Angel's. Tia answered the door with a confused look on her face. "Sam...?" She looked behind him. "Dean...? Livvi...? What are you guys doing here? It's very late. We're trying to sleep." Sam had but one question. "Is Angel here?" Tia nodded. "Yes why?"

Sam pushed past her. "Hey!" Sam ignored her and shouted out. "Angel! Come here now!" Angel and Spike appeared. "I know what you are and you must be stopped." "How...?" Was all that came from Angel's mouth.

"I'm a hunter. We both are." He gestured to Dean. "I'm here to kill you. You're a threat to Olivia and I won't have her hurt!" "I would never hurt her! I love her." "You say that now. But what if you lose your soul...Angelus?"

Sam launched at Angel and they broke off into a huge fight. Olivia went to break it up but Dean held her back. "You'll get yourself killed." He whispered to her. Olivia was trying to fight back the tears that were brimming in her eyes. She let one tear slip and that was it; she couldn't stop herself.

Sam went for one last swing to stab Angel but Spike got in the way and instead it went through his chest, a millimetre away from his heart. Sam let go of the stake and backed away slowly. Tia ran to Spike's side. "Tia I'm sorry...I never meant to..." Tia stroked the side of Spike's face.

"Baby you'll be okay I promise." She said in-between sobs. "Tia I won't, as soon as you take it out, it'll scrape my heart and I'll die but just know that I love you." "Spike you can't leave me, I need you. You proved to me you loved me. You fought against the demon inside you when you had no soul so that you could love me. You put yourself through hell with those trials just to get yourself a soul; for me."

"And I'd do it all again. Just to see that same smile-" Spike coughed up some blood. "One more time." Tia let a few tears drop onto Spike's face as she kissed him. This would be the last kiss they ever shared. "Spike I love you so much." Spike moved slightly so that he could kiss her but he wasn't able to. "I lo-" Spike turned to dust.

"Spike?! No, he- Spike please come back to me!" Tia stood up and ran to Sam and started punching his chest. "You bastard! How could you-?" She broke down in his arms after a while.

Dean walked over to Sam and took Tia from his grip. He then carried her upstairs to her bed where he laid with her until she cried herself to sleep. He stroked her forehead and rubbed her hair out of her face. "Sh it'll be okay."

Downstairs, Olivia, Sam and Angel stood gobsmacked, unable to process what had happened. "Get out." Angel charged towards Sam. "Just get out!" "Angel I never meant to kill him! It was meant to be you!" "Stop it! Both of you." They both stared at Olivia.

"Sam please just go. I know you never meant to. Just leave, if Tia comes down and sees you she'll go ballistic." "Are you not going home?" "I don't think Tia should be alone right now. I know Dean's up there but when he leaves, she'll need someone to watch her."

"Angel I nearly lost you tonight and I never want to feel like that again. I love you too much to let you go. Tia has lost the one she loves and we need to be there for her."

Dean quickly tiptoed downstairs. "Olivia, Angel, you two can go home. I'll stay with her. If I need you I'll ring, I promise." Olivia was hesitant but finally gave in. They went home after about ten minutes, leaving Sam with Dean.

"Dean I didn't mean to. But at least you have her to yourself." Dean sighed. "Sam how could you say that?! You killed her boyfriend; the one she loved. She will never forgive you. Sam just go. I'll ring you later."

Sam left and Dean went back upstairs to check on Tia. He laid next to her and fell asleep.


"NO SPIKE! PLEASE COME BACK!" Tia woke up panting. "Tia. Tia! Calm down! It was just a nightmare!" "No it wasn't! He's dead! It was real." Tia broke down in Dean's arms. "Come on, go back to sleep. Dream of happy things. Where have you always wanted to go for a holiday?" "Hawaii. It looks fun." "Tell me about it."


It was a week after Spike's death and it was his funeral. As there was no body, they were going to bury his ashes, along with his favourite leather jacket.

Tia wasn't ready for this but she knew she had to say goodbye and the quicker she did that, the better off she'd be.

She had only spoken to Olivia once in the whole week which was only briefly. Dean had been staying with her, day and night, making sure to be there when she awoke from her nightmares, making sure that she ate.

Olivia and Angel made sure to get to the funeral early so that they could help get the flowers and refreshments ready.

Tia was wearing a tight fitting black knee-length dress with her hair in a cute ballet dancer style bun.

Olivia was wearing a black dress with a blazer and her hair down. Angel and Dean were just dressed in black suits.

It was after sunset, of course, so that Angel could attend. They were saying their goodbyes when they saw a figure coming towards them, it was Sam.

Tia saw him and flipped out. "You have the nerve to come here?! How could you, after all you've done?!" She went to launch at him but Dean held her back. "Tia calm down. It's not worth it."

Tia went over to Olivia, gave her a hug and whispered in her ear "Thank you for coming." She smiled at Angel and then went home with Dean. That was the last time anyone saw or spoke to Tia and Dean for a long time. Dean and Sam would exchange brief e-mails but that was about it.

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