06. Sam.

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Tia and Olivia were out the next night patrolling. Everything was really silent and slightly awkward between the two. Olivia didn't want to tell Tia that she almost kissed Sam, but she felt she needed to because they were best friends.

"Olivia...? You're being awfully quiet tonight." "So are you." "I'm never one to speak much when patrolling, you're the one that does all the talking." Tia laughed. "Yeah I guess so. Maybe I'm just not in the mood. I'm tired okay? I just want to get back to Angel." "Okay well it seems like we're all finished here so I'll see you tomorrow yeah?"

Olivia shrugged her shoulders. "Not sure. Maybe. See ya." Tia waved and headed on home herself. As soon as she got through the door she could already see Spike's smile. "I missed you." "Me too babe, I'm tired. Can we go to bed?" "What's wrong?" Spike walked over and pulled Tia into a hug.

"It's nothing." "Come on baby you can tell me, I've been bored all day." "Well it's Olivia, she was acting weird whilst patrolling. Usually she talks non-stop and I can never get a word in edge-ways, but today she didn't say anything and when she was saying goodbye she was...different."

"Maybe she's tired baby or had a rough day." "Yeah I guess, she did say she wanted to get home to Angel." "See? She was just missing her boyfriend is all, just like you were missing yours." Spike winked. "Yeah I guess." "You were missing me weren't you?" Spike raised his eyebrow. "Of course I was pumpkin!"

"That is the lamest nickname ever!" "Nu-uh! It's cute." "Not as cute as you." Spike tickled Tia. Soon enough they were both in fits of laughter.

"Spike? What do you see in our future?" "Well I see us, happy." "But how is this going to work? I mean you're a vampire and I'm human." "We'll make it work baby."


Olivia slammed the door shut behind her. Angel came rushing out. "Aww sweetie I've missed you. Do I get a kiss?" Angel puckered his lips but Olivia brushed past him. "I'm tired. I'm going to bed."

Once Olivia was in her bedroom she got her journal out and began doodling the name "Sam" all over one page in different fonts. She then drew a portrait of Sam. She made sure to get down every detail, every strand of hair to every last mole.

Olivia had remembered she had Sam's number so she rang him. "Hello?" "Hey erm...Sam, it's Olivia." "Oh hey! How are you?" "I'm good. I was just calling to ask if you wanted some more touring tomorrow or advice on any books?" "Yeah sure! That would be great! Shall we meet at The Magic Box around two?" "Yeah! Okay see you then." Olivia hung up the phone and went to sleep smiling.


Sorry for the late upload! I wanted to wait until my friend was back from holiday because she's probably the only person who reads this. Anyway, enjoy!


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