14. I Need To Tell You.

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Dean grabbed his jacket and headed out the door. It was raining but he didn't really care; it gave him time to think. He walked through the rain kicking stones along the way. He'd occasionally smile at passing by pedestrians.

Dean had heard Sam and Olivia last night. After he had specifically told Sam to stay away.

He hadn't realised it, but Dean ended up walking straight to Tia's house. He noticed that the door was open and got slightly worried so he walked straight in and started searching for Tia. He found her in the kitchen in just her underwear.

Tia heard his footsteps and turned around, nearly throwing a spatula at him. "Jesus fucking christ Dean! You scared the shit out of me! What are you doing here?" Dean stood gobsmacked, mesmerised by the sight he saw before him. "Well?" Tia said with one hand on her hip.

"Oh erm...I don't actually know. I went for a walk and ended up here. I then saw your door was open and thought that a burglar got in. Erm why are you just in your underwear?"

Tia looked down and noticed before trying to cover herself up with her hands. "Let me just go get changed." "But I need to speak to you-" "Just wait here! Let me get changed then we can speak." Dean nodded and sat down at the table.

Tia came down a few moments later in a tank top and shorts. "Right. What do you want?" "It's about Olivia..." "What about her? Is she okay? Is she hurt? Where is she?" "She's fine...erm I don't know how to say this..." "Just get on with it!"

"Okay well Olivia was-" Dean was interrupted by Spike walking in and spinning Tia around before planting a kiss on her lips. Tia was left smiling like an idiot. "What's he doing here?" "He came with news about Olivia. Go on Dean."

"Erm...I...yeah okay...if you insist. Well Olivia came-" He was cut off by Angel walking into the room. "Shit!" Dean muttered under his breath. "Oh hey Dean." Angel waved then grabbed a cup of coffee.

"I can't do this." Dean ran out the house and stopped when he could no longer see the house.

Fuck. What was I thinking? I can't tell them. Right? Ugh shut up Dean. Pull yourself together. This is Sam's mess, he can sort it out for once.

Dean ran his fingers through his hair, took a deep breath then began walking home.


Tia grabbed her coat and tried to run after Dean but was stopped by Spike grabbing her arm back. "Spike let go!" "No, if it was as important as he says it was, then he'll come back." Tia pondered for a moment. "I guess you're right." "I'm always right. Now come give me a kiss." Tia smiled and melted into Spike's kiss.

Angel stood there awkwardly then make a coughing sound. "Erm guys...I'm still here you know?" Spike and Tia turned round then burst out laughing.

"Sorry Angel. Right anyway Spike I need to actually go out and find a job okay?" "Slaying is your job." "Babe slaying doesn't pay the bills or feed us or me rather." "Ugh fine. You best be back soon!" Tia nodded and kissed Spike.

"I hope the sun goes down soon. I think I should go and see Olivia..." Angel stated.



Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in ages! Been super busy with exams and work! Wanted to upload this for my best friend Olivia because she has been bugging me for ages :') & also she persuaded me to go to an awesome party Saturday.


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