Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ name cant be Erase !

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Its a Riwayat from Hazrat Usman Bin Affan Razi Anha

At the time of popularity of Nabuwat,on our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ the cruel & hardships from the people of Quraish were hard enough but at that time there was one jewish,he was very intelligent & was living in Madina Manawra & was used to do Tilaawat of Tawrait . Once he saw a quality & name of Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ while doing tilawat of tawrait , he became angry & in anger he told his wife to bring Scissor then he cut the quality&name of Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ with scissor from that portion. Then second day according to his schedule ,he started reading tawrait and found that at that same portion from where he cut the quality & name of Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ day ago, there is still the quality & mubarak name of Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ , he became angry again & was going to cut it again then suddenly voice came from nowhere that

" Hey maluoon even if you will try thousand times to erase quality & name of Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ ,you will not be able to do so"

then that jewish became afraid & realized that Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ is the true prophet of Allah. At that time he went to Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ brought imaan & became true muslim.

Subhan Allah

BOOK SOURCE: Qassas Ul Anmbia By Moulana Akhtar Hijaazi .

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