Chapter 1

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Yein POV

Yess my favourite day of the week, Sunday^^. It means that today no alarm, no need to rush, just enjoy rest of the day on this bed hehe. Well until...

Knock knock

Someone knocked on my door - no scractch that - my mom knocked on my door.

"Yeinnn, wake up!! Ppalli help me with something. You don't have anything to do today right?"

"Ughhh ommaa TT.TT five more minutes pleasee"

"Yah! Come down right now young lady"

"Arasseo arasseo..." aishh I just woke up lazily from my bed and then came down to the kitchen

Hmm that's smell nice. I bet mom just cook her famous crepe cake. I loved it when mom cook that cake. And then, just as my guess, she was decorating her crepe cake in the kitchen.

"What's the occasion mom?" Trying to get a taste of the cake

"Yah! Don't try to ruin my cake. It's for our new neighbor next door." She slap my hand T.T

"New neighbor? Wait.. I don't know we have a new neighbor"

"They just move there yesterday evening. I bet you busy playing with your laptop yesterday. Now ppalli get yourself ready and deliver this cake to them."

"Arasseo arasseo..."

Then, I went to the bathroom and prepare myself to meet this new neighbor. Actually I really like meeting new people so I don't mind mom asked to represent Jung's family to this new neighbor. I just feeling so excited. I changed my clothes to white blouse and shorts jeans. Okay, now I am ready. I took the cake and bid my parents goodbye. Mom said the new neighbor is young couples. I love couples, I bet they just so sweet as they can be haha. Okay, so here I am in front of their door. I rang the door bell and this beautiful short woman with cute dimples opens the door.

"Oh! Annyeonghaseyo" she said with smile that show her cute dimples. Eo... somehow I feel connected to her? Ahh Jung Yein stop this nonsense.

"Annyeonghaseyo... my name is Jung Yein. I want to deliver this cake from my family as a welcoming present from your neighbor."

"Ahh kamsahamida.. my name is Lee Soojung. Please come in. Let me introduce you to my partner"

I went inside her house. It's a lovely house with nice decoration. I sat on the couch in the living room. Being curious kid, I just kept looking around from my seat. But... that's weird. I don't see any photos. Ahh maybe they didn't have a chance yet to place their photo. And then Soojung unnie came out from the kitchen and brought a lemonade and a slice of my mom's cake. Wait I can call her unnie right? I think she is older than me.

"Here Yein-ssi.. by the way you can call me unnie if you want. I bet you still in your high school right?"

"Ah... ne kamsahamida unnie. Yes, I'm on my second year hehe" I shock when she said that. I thought she can read my mind. Eiii I think she just trying to be friendly Yein, stop being nonsense.

And then this handsome man come to the room, smiling and show this cute dimples. Yaa I think this dimples couple is so cute. Wait... this strange feeling again...

"Annyeonghaseyo... my name is Kim Namjoon. Nice to meet you"

Eo.. i thought they are a married couple but they have different surname?

"Ahh I'm not her husband, yet. I just her partner hehe. We just trying to live together." Wait how did he know.. Ahh my face must be show it all right?

"Oohh... nice to meet you Namjoon-ssi. My name is Jung Yein."

"Please just call me oppa. You already call Soojung noona, unnie right?"

"Ne Namjoon oppa" Ohmygod they so friendly. Love this couple already hihi.

"Yein, this cake is so delicious. Kamsahamida" Soojung unnie said

"It's my mom who made it. You can ask her sometimes to make it for you. I bet she will love it"

"Yes I agree to noona, this cake is delicious. I bet if you give this to your boyfriend, he will love it" Namjoon oppa tease me.

"Eii oppa, I don't have a boyfriend" I blushed. Well, actually I have a crush in my school. He was a sunbae so I'm afraid to get close to him

"Haha yet, I bet you'll have a boyfriend soon young lady. Just approach that crush of yours and see where it goes" Namjoon oppa said.

How.. did.. he.. know.. I.. have.. a.. crush? My cheek must be red as tomato right now.

"Eii stop teasing her Namjoon. Everyone in your age must have a crush Yein, it's a common thing haha" Soojung unnie said. I just chuckled. Yeahh it's a common thing Yein, stop being suspicious.

We just continue chatting... this couple seriously easy to hang out with

Woahh I didn't realize, I've already in here for twenty minutes. I have to go home now. So I bid them goodbye. They thanked me with the cake and then I went home. They are a good couple and nice neighbor I think.

Later that night...

Soojung's POV

"Tonight it's the night Namjoonie." I sighed and looked outside the window, looked at her room precisely.

"I know noona. We should keep an eye on her. Glad to hear that she already found her 'other half' although she hasn't realized it yet" Namjoon said

"Yes, it makes our job easier. How about the boy?"

"Well we haven't talk to the boy, but from what I see in her mind, I think he is a good boy." What Namjoon said calm me down a little bit. I still feel nervous though.

"Relax noona.. Come, just prepare for tomorrow" Namjoon back hug me. He really know me after all and I trust him. He lead me to bed.

Good luck Jung Yein....

Jeon Jungkook....

your destiny will begin tonight.

Then I closed my eyes, preparing my self for tomorrow.


Woahh so how is it? well it's my first time to write a story so I'm sorry for all mistakes and english is not my first language

If you have any advice for me, just comment or send me a message.

I will love to hear all your opinions.

Please give this story many love <3<3 thanks^^

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