Chapter 4

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Jungkook's POV

'Let's start with the stone'

Ani... It was hyung's voice but how can I hear it? And I know Yein can hear it too. So, Namjoon hyung and Soojung noona is the same with us? Both Yein and I have this puzzled expression on our face and I think Soojung noona dan Namjoon hyung notice it so not long after that they start to explain everything. Start with the stone.

"So both of you are the chosen one to be the guardian of these stones" Soojung noona pointed at my stone on my bracelet and Yein's stone on her necklace.

"It can't be.." I don't believe it. How we are the chosen one? And who chose us?

"Well, let me ask you guys. How do you find that bracelet or necklace?" Soojung noona ask to us.

"I found it when I was playing on the beach in Busan when I was kid. Not long after that, I have to move here with my sister and brother-in-law so I kept it and made to bracelet so I still can remember my hometown and my parents." I answer her.

"Well.. my mom bought this for me when I was a kid. She bought it from the small store in the market." Yein answer her too.

"See... It was already a destiny for you both to keep the stone until now." then Soojung noona take a deep breath and start to tell us the story.

"Okay, let me explain slowly to you guys. I bet you guys know how this world works right? Like there is good and the there is bad, there is poor and rich, and there is light and dark. So centuries ago, there is this huge battle between the light and the dark. The light's army was led by Lady Light and the dark's army was led by Dark Master. Well actually before this battle, Lady Light and Dark Master rule the world side by side because there is no light if there is no dark and there is no dark if there is no light right? But then one day, Dark Master was so greedy to rule the world, he thought human didn't need light because what all they can do was destroying the world by killing each other, fighting each other, and betraying each other so why bother to have light if human themselves create the darkness on their own. So Dark Master went to the Elders. The Elders are the one that watch the world so that the world stay in balance. Dark Master asked the Elders to let him rule the world all by himself, he gave all the reasons to the Elders. But of course the Elders said no. So with rage, he left the Elders and start his own plan to spread darkness to the world. The Elders knew about this and they also knew that his power also getting stronger thanks to human's stupid action in the world. So to balance Lady Light's power that getting weaker to Dark Master's power, the Elders gave Lady Light a stone that contain seven lights that can help her to rise the light in the world. Dark Master furious when he knew about this. He thought the Elders take a side to Lady Light so he planned to take the stone from her and use it to rule the world. And.. that's how the war between the light and the dark started. Thanks to the war, the world was so in chaos. So the Elders decided to release Pandora Box to balance it again. The pandora box locked some of the darkness power. Now being with the same level of power again with Dark Master, Lady Light returned the stone to the Elders because she thought this would be unfair for the Dark Master and let the Elders made the decisions. So the Elders decided to split the stone into 7 pieces, then each pieces are cut into half to make it more difficult to be found by Dark Master or Lady Light. They sent guardians to each stones to guard it from anyone that want to use the power again for their own good"

Wooahh that's really lot to process. About Dark Master, Lady Light, the Elders? What in the world that I'm living in right now...

"So that means, Yein and I are one of these guardians?" I ask to the couple in front of me. I see Yein is still processing everything on her mind right now.

"Yes Jungkookie. Well, WE are one of the guardians." Namjoon hyung emphasize on the word we. And the couple show their stone on their rings. But different from us, their stone are grey.

"So you guys... can make fire too?" Now it is Yein that ask them.

"Ani, we can't make fire... We do this" Soojung noona then close the curtain with her fingers from without move from her seat? Namjoon hyung make this book floating from the shelf then put in on the table. Ookay.. that was kind of creepy.

"Soojung noona and I can control everything with our mind, including your minds too. That's why we can read your mind and sent telepath through your mind. But as you know, you too can telepath with each other but only to each other. Basically you both are like 'soulmates', you are connected to each other. Besides telepath, you guys also can empath to each other. It means you can know and even feel each other feeling. I think that's one of the powers that the stone gave to us." Namjoon hyung explain to us.

"Waitt! How do you know all of this?" It's not that I don't believe them, I just curious how they can know about these stuffs.

"We know it from here" Namjoon hyung point to the book in front of us. The book is like big thick old book and what I mean with old is that book is really really old. Curious, so I open the book but there's nothing written on the book but the first page. It's like a book of blank papers. On the first page written

To be trusted, you have to earned

And then I can be opened

Can you be trusted?

Give me your precious one

Then you gain the important one

Can you do that, the chosen one?

Lend me yours

And I shall return it when the right time comes

So... I am right. Everything has a price.

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