Chapter XIII: The Eye Doctor

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The Classic Tale of You and Me:
The Eye Doctor

The year Miku and her uncle moved to Selbst Manor, the most beautiful woman in Essex was the first daughter of a rich merchant, Miss Haku Beryl. She had this long silky hair known for its pallor shade of blonde -- almost white like snow. Men, young and old, bachelor or married, adored her in one way or another. Her grace made her more known in the land, and Mr and Mrs Beryl were too proud to have her as a child.

Miku Raleigh had not known her beauty for she was not in the right position to tell. Twelve and blind, who was she to disapprove of the hearsay?

But Mistress Haku's admirers flocking outside their lawn to see her every morning diminished, the gifts she received subdued, the bachelors trying to woo her retreated -- beginning the day she was seen spending her day break with a young gentleman from London. He was said to be a childhood friend of hers, an attendant of the royal family for scholarly work. Fair, handsome, and kind, the two of them were promised to each other since the day they were born.

The year Miku turned fifteen, the most beautiful lady that lived in country was -- unsurprisingly -- the younger sister of Miss Haku Beryl, Lily Beryl. A bright, jubilant lady who was blessed with the ability to tame people through her vigor and smile. She had the pretty face much like her sister's, other than she was younger (eighteen against her twenty-and-one year old sister) and was not tied to anyone unlike Haku. So, the admirers her older sister used to have threw themselves back to their lawn. They gave her gifts, they complimented how she looked, she received proposals -- they never got tired of her for she never had her eyes fixed for someone.

That was until she saw a young man of lilac hair strolling along the Park. She was enamored by his cold handsome face, and she could not stop herself staring at him. Since it was her first time feeling that thudding in her chest, she would go to the Park every morning just to see him. No matter how pretty she was with her morning dress, the young man never looked at her direction, nor glance at her even for the quickest moment. Along the process of making herself noticed by the unknown youth, her admirers still followed her secretly and satisfied themselves at the sight of her being unnoticed by the gorgeous young man.

It shattered the lady's heart when she saw him one morning with a young girl with silver blue or teal hair, clutching his hand as they walked slowly across the Park. He was speaking to the girl, and jealous was Lily, she wanted to hear his voice. And so, she maneuvered near him, heard him call her 'Miku', and learned that his name was Gakupo. The girl seemed to be a younger sister, if Lily was not mistaken.

Days went on like that, and she was prettier every day. Her bright golden hair hung in ringlets as she walked to the Park, her admirers had given up on her the way they did to her older sister. Lily refused the gifts her admirers would give, telling them that if they were not Gakupo (which is evident), they should stop courting her. The next morning came, she was waiting for over half an hour for him to walk there on his regular hour. She thought he would not show up for that morning, so Lily decided to leave for that day. However, as she passed by the rows of flowers glooming on what seemed to be a little garden, she saw the young man seated on the grasses with a beautiful lady of carnation hair. They were laughing together as he put her a flower crown, their sun-drenched smiles looked angelic.

Lily Beryl wanted to be positive. She thought that the lady must be like the younger lass he accompanied before. But he was smiling, laughing even better, and she had never seen that face of him on ordinary mornings. Lily decided to watch them afar, and her heart skipped a beat when he kissed the back of her hand, the lady looked even brighter. The lady was beautiful, that was no doubt. Was that the beauty he was after? Lily asked herself to witness the answer before her very own eyes. The lady's face was more beautiful than her sister's, the redness of her cheeks were natural unlike hers. It broke Lily's heart when the lady lifted up his face and gave him a chaste kiss on his lips.

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