EINH chapter 3*

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*Chapter Three*

{Month Two}

I rested my hot forehead against what seemed to be my new best friend: The Porcelain God. Unfortunately, this one wasn't very sanitary considering I was in a grocery store bathroom stall, and I was supposed to be working, not puking. Stupid hormones making me sick all the time. I was only six weeks pregnant, for Christ's sake! The horrible part wasn't supposed to start until I started resembling a whale and complaining about my swollen feet.

"You're going to be the death of me, little ones," I murmured, placing my hand on my already swelling abdomen.

For being two months pregnant, I was already showing like I was four or five months pregnant, so I had a feeling it was twins. I hadn't been to the doctor to confirm or deny that yet, since my first visit had resulted in only one little bean. But, doctors made mistakes all the time and the other little guy could be hiding. Only time would tell, and my next appointment was just a check up.

"Riles, you okay?" came a voice I had known since elementary school.

"Yeah, Kai, I'm fine," I answered, grabbing toilet paper to wipe my mouth with.

I had known Kai Adams since I was ten. When we were in third grade, Kai and her family moved in across the street from Preston and me. The Adams were from England and had moved here when they learned of some family that were in need of help. Kai was an only child, and we had been friends - her, Preston and me - ever since.

"Morning sickness?" she wondered.

I flushed the toilet and exited the stall. I washed my hands and splashed water on my face.

"I don't know why they call it morning sickness when it happens all day," I commented harshly.

"Yeah, it is three in the afternoon," Kai commented.

"Thank the Lord," I sighed. "That means my shift is over in an hour."

"Lucky. I'm here for another five," she answered gloomily.

I chuckled. "It'll fly by."

"If only," she said with distaste.

"Eh, you'd be surprised," I shrugged, washing my hands. "I never thought my shift would be over today, but now there's only an hour left."

"Well aren't you Miss Optimist," she commented playfully. She tore off some paper towel from the roll and handed it to me. "Pregnancy makes you optimistic. I like it." She winked at me.

I gasped, fake offended. "Are you saying I'm Miss Doom and Gloom normally?" We both laughed and exited the bathroom.

"Hey, do you have any gum?" I asked her. I hated puking in public places. At least at home I had easy access to a toothbrush and mouthwash.

"Yeah, in my purse." I frowned. "I'm going on my break right now, though. I'll come find you when it's over."

"Yes! Thank you," I said, giving her a brief hug before Johnny, a coworker, approached us.

"Hey O'Reilly, can you take check stand seven?" he asked me, nearly walking by.

Kai gave a silent goodbye before I answered.

"Yeah, I'll only be on for an hour, though. My shift ends soon," I told him.

"That's fine, I just need my break," he told me with a smile. "Boss'll kill me if I go a day without a break again."

"Oh yeah, he was pissed when I came in yesterday," I smiled. "You're lucky your ass wasn't beat."

He laughed. "You should've seen him when he got home. I thought he was gonna come at me with the belt."

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