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I awaken slowly, everything is calm, and I am numb. Then life starts to come back to me once my body is awake. I am reminded of the events of last night by the the throbbing pain in my head and the sore aches through out my body.

I struggle out of my bed and slowly make my way to the family bathroom. Every step I take sends shockwaves of pain through my legs and hips.

I take a deep breath before looking up into the mirror. What I see makes me gasp and look away.

My face has a large cut on my cheek bone that matches the cut on my bottom lip, Dried blood surrounds these wounds. My neck has red marks and my collarbones are bruised. I lift my shirt up and see bruising around my hips and sides. My legs are black and blue.

Images from last night flash in my mind, being kicked in my legs and stomach. Being grabbed by the neck and punch in the face. I try not to think about it any longer for fear I would begin to cry. After my parents died I told myself I would never cry again, because I had already gone through the worst thing someone could.

I stick my head out of the bathroom door to check the clock. It is 5:30 am, which means that I would have only half an hour before my foster parents woke up to go to work.

I quickly showered and then began detangling my wet hair. The blood was washed from my face making my appearance much less gruesome. I desperately wished I had some makeup to cover up my cuts but my foster mother never cared to buy me any despite her and her husband being the ones to put these marks on my skin.

My brown hair began to form into its loose curls as it dried, it's length reached the midpoint of my back. I can't remember the last time I had gotten it cut.

I go back to my bedroom and quickly dress myself in skinny jeans and an oversized t-shirt, most of my clothes are from a family that I stayed with a year ago, they actually cared about me but once the mother lost her job the foster agency pulled me from their home for fear that they wouldn't be able to afford my expenses.

I slip into a pair of old black high top converse and leave my room. I check the clock on my way downstairs seeing 6:00 am, they would be up any minute.

Just then I heard 2 pairs of footsteps coming downstairs.

"Good morning John, good morning Trish." I say to them as they walk into the kitchen.

"Shut up, Olivia. where is my breakfast?" John barks at me. I feel my heart race, I had forgotten to start breakfast.

"Oh, my apologies sir. I will start making it now." I had begun to resemble a maid more than a child.

I begin to cook them eggs and toast, a quick meal so they wouldn't get too impatient with me. I finish cooking and hand it to them.

"If you are late with breakfast again you will be punished, do you understand me?" Trish snaps.

"Yes Ma'am, it won't happen again."

As they finish eating their breakfast, I clean up the mess that I made and throw away empty bottles of liquor from last night. Then they begin to get ready for work and at 6:25 on the dot they slip on some shoes and leave without saying goodbye to me.

I feel so much safer by myself. I hate it here so much.

They don't let me eat any of their food and usually I just steal it from the fridge anyway but we were low on food and I knew they would notice if anything was taken.

I was starving, I steal breakfast every morning after they leave but I can't eat anymore than that without being caught. So I have been living off of just a small breakfast and sometimes a meal or two if they are feeling generous for 3 months now, that was how long I have been here.

I knew what I had to do, and it kills me every time I do. My parents raised me as a good child but what am I supposed to do? I will die if I don't eat.

I had to steal.

Hey everyone, so this is my first story and I have no idea how good this will be, probably not great haha, but I hope you stick with me because I have a lot of ideas for it. Lin will come into the story with the next chapter or 2 so be patient (:

Please give me feed back on my writing so that I can improve! But if you are only here to hate, keep it to yourself because it does nothing but bring me down.

Anyways.. I hope you enjoyed and continue to read my story. It is currently summer so I will be able to make frequent updates, maybe even twice a day!

-It's me [8/13/16] I just came back to this chapter and omg it was kind of crazy to see how far I and the story have come along since the first chapter. I hope you give this story a chance because it gets much better, this was the first update so obviously it isn't the greatest and I know that everyone says that but honestly, it is true.

I remember the day I wrote this chapter. I had no idea what was going to happen. I thought that I would probably give up on the story after getting no reads. But now I have 70 chapters and 40,000 reads and have met 2 amazing people on this app. I am telling you this to remind you to believe in yourself and don't give up on anything even if you don't think you will succeed because you never know what can happen.

- future me again! [9-30-16] i have 60k reads omg... wow, this is so crazy. anyways, i try to look at every notification i get but sometimes i miss some so if you see a rereader comment a spoiler just message me which chapter the comment is in, who commented it, and a rough estimate of where the comment is (like 1/2 way through the chapter or what's going on). I don't want the story ruined for anybody so thank you!

- aibhlinn

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