thirty two

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I am having so much fun when suddenly someone taps my shoulder.

I turn around and see a very familiar face looking at me with confusion written all over them.

"Anthony?!" I yell.


[Olivia's POV]

"Olivia! What the hell are you doing here?!" He yells at me.

"What are you doing here?" I slur, pointing my finger at him.

"Are you drunk? Oh my god you are! Come on, we are going home." He says, grabbing my arm.

I yank my arm from his grip, "No. I am having way too much lots of fun time. Stayyyy, dance with me!" My words slur together, I can't even put together understandable sentences.

I begin to turn around to go back to dancing but he grabs my arm again and this time succeeds in pulling me off the dance floor.

"Anthony.. You are no fun! Just one more dance..." I slur. He shakes his head and guides me out of the club.

His car is parked down the street, we walk to it and he begins to open up the passenger door.

"I can open my own god damn door." I bark at him, reaching for the handle.

He shrugs and lets me open it myself and walks to the drivers seat. I fall into the seat.

"Let's get some music up in here!" I yell, reaching for the stereo. Anthony swats my hand away and grabs my chin making me look at him.

"You have very pretty eyes, kind eyes.. brown eyes." I slur. I begin to sing the song Brown Eyed Girl to him.

"You my brown eyed girl... do you remember when.. we used to sing.. sha la la la la la la la la la la la la la dee dah.." I sing loudly and then laugh. Anthony is not laughing with me, instead a stern anger clouds his eyes.

"I can't believe you did this, Olivia." He says. "Why? Why would you do this? You could've gotten in so much trouble if you were caught!"

"I wanted to have a good time." I say. "Lexi invited me and-"

"This was Lexi's idea?" He asks.

"Ya." I say. I can't handle this conversation right now, my mind is being controlled by my choice of drink.

"God, what is Lin going to say about this?" He asks himself.

"You can't tell Lin!" I shout.

"Olivia.. I can't keep this from him. You got drunk at a party, and you are 16." He says softly.

"Please.. He will kick me out for sure, he is all I have right now. I don't have anywhere else to go, I have nobody! He is going to hate me. Please, Anthony.." I begin to cry thinking about how Lin is going to react.

"Olivia, Lin would never kick you out, ever. He would never do that to you." He says, reaching for my hand.

"Even if he doesn't, he is still going to hate me, he is going to think I am a horrible person!" I am beginning to freak out. Anthony pulls over on the side of the street, putting his car in park.

He pulled me into a hug, I cry into his chest. It is an awkwardly situation, both of us leaning over to each other.

"Ok.. I won't tell him." He says. I look into his eyes, my eyes are red and still have tears in them. "But you have to promise to never do this again. You will stay at my apartment tonight, you smell like a bottle of vodka."

Hello everyone, this chapter was short and kind of uneventful but I wanted to update again to make up for me being absent the past few days.

GUYS! You need to listen to an album called The Crane Wife by the Decemberists. More specifically the songs The Crane Wife 1 & 2, and The Crane Wife 3. Lin recommended it in one of his periscopes a while ago and seriously it is so good!! I have been listening to is non-stop today. It makes me so happy.

Hope you enjoyed (:

- aibhlinn

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