forty four

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"Lin will know that I am gone. They will save me from you!" I yell at her.

"You know what will happen if they do." She says. "You know how easy it is to get a gun in the country?"

And with that she slammed the door, leaving me alone in a room I used to call mine.


[Olivia's POV]

My alarm woke me up, I prayed that it was all just a dream but my heart sunk when I opened my eyes and saw the plain walls, the raggedy mattress beneath me, and the light coming through the boarded up window. I can't believe Trish didn't take my phone. She must know that I won't tell Lin, I am too scared that she will hurt someone from the cast.

I turned off the alarm and saw that I had a text from Lin.

Lin <3 : I will pick you up at 7:45 (: Another cover tonight, maybe?

Me : hey Lin, my friend is driving me to school and then I am spending the night at her house tonight. Rain check? You don't need to worry about me for the next 2 days (: Take care of India for me?

Lin <3 : Will do. Have fun!

It broke my heart seeing and sending those texts. I wanted to call him, beg him to come and get me but I know that I can't do that. I have to stay quiet, I can keep them safe until Sunday, I will probably tell him I am spending the night of Saturday as well. But once Sunday night rolls around, Lin is going to want me home. I fear what he is going to do once he realizes what actually happened to me.

I got dressed in one of the outfits I packed. I just grabbed a few random things before I left last night. I pulled out 3 pairs of jeans and 5 t-shirts. I slipped into a light wash high waisted pair and one of Anthony's t-shirts, it was red with white writing. It was so big on me, reached the midpoint of my thighs. It was from his high school baseball team. I laced up my black high top converse.

I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. My curly brown hair was knotted so I pulled it up into a high ponytail. I wish I had some makeup to cover the bruise Trish gave me last night.

I ran downstairs and saw Trish sitting at the kitchen table. She demanded breakfast and I obliged, making coffee and eggs for her. I went hungry.

She explained her rules to me, no talking, no weird looks, straight to school and then back home. I wanted to throw up when she said home. This was not my home. I nodded and walked out the front door and began my journey to school.

I thought that I would find some sort of safety at school, since Trish wasn't there. Apparently Luke had broken up with Spencer and she was going to take it out on me. I received a few punches after being pushed into a locker.

I went through my day with my head down, doing my school work and answering questions but not speaking other than that. It's funny how people, even teachers, will see a bruise on my face and not say anything.

After school got out I stood outside the school. If Trish hadn't kidnapped me, Lin would be picking me up right now. He would take me to the theater and we would record a cover. I would sit up in my room and listen to the musical for the millionth time, still not getting bored by the songs.

I sighed and began my walk back to Trish's. Once I arrived, I went straight to my room like she demanded. I did my school work for a while, getting some of it done but leaving the rest for Saturday because I know that I will be bored.

Trish swung my door open violently around 9pm. I smelled alcohol as she stepped into the room.

"Stand up, slut." She demanded. I quickly stood up facing her. She took a swing at my face, hitting me in the cheek but I didn't fall down. Another 2 hits and I couldn't help but fall to the floor. She kicked me in the stomach. I was surprised by her strength. She kneeled on the floor and wrapped her hand around my neck and punched my jaw and then my temple.

Her breathing soon became heavy, she was tired. She stopped after a while, leaving my body limp on the floor. I was still conscious but I could hear my pulse thumping through my body. My hands were shaking as I reached up to my face and saw that there was blood on them as I pulled away.

I refused to cry. It was so cold in this room, with no blankets I was left shivering trying to produce body heat. I was giving up, laying down on the mattress, the only sound was my heartbeat.

My phone buzzed, averting my attention to my phone in my pocket.

Lin <3 : Having fun? Our show just ended.

Me : Tons of fun! We are just watching a movie right now. I think I might stay tomorrow night too. Are you ok with watching India?

Lin <3 : Sounds good. And yes of course, I will take her to my place, Sebastian will love her.

I wanted to cry knowing that Lin has no idea what is going on and that I had to lie to him but I couldn't tell the truth. I would rather be hurt than any of the cast. Be strong, Olivia.

Hello everyone, hope you enjoyed (:

- aibhlinn

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