one hundred nineteen

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I head to my room and lay on my bed thinking about what just happened. Why would he say he doesn't want to be with me if he still acts like he likes me? Why is he so confusing! Why do I care? He told me that he doesn't want to be with me and I've moved on.


[Olivia's POV]

Ben : I want to take you on a date tonight. Not just hanging out in a greasy bowling alley but a real fancy where I wear the nicest thing I own and you wear something beautiful (even though you always look beautiful)

Me : Well looks like you're finally figuring out my worth.. Kidding! What did you have in mind?

Ben : It's a surprise! Pick you up at 8?

Me : I'll check my calendar (;

Things have been so amazing lately. Today is March 16th which means spring break has officially begun. My wonderful boyfriend is everything that I could ask for. He sends me texts every morning and night and checks up on me asking me how I'm doing.

Of course he would make tonight a surprise so I have no idea what to wear. This sounds like a situation for Jasmine.

"Jasmine?" I say after calling her number. "Fashion emergency! Are you free?"

"I'll be right there!" She days and hangs up. Boy do I love that woman.

She arrives at the theater and runs up to my room within twenty minutes.

"So what's the occasion?" She asks, sitting next to me on my bed.

"Ben is taking me on a date tonight but said that it was a surprise as to where we are going.. What am I supposed to wear? All he said was something beautiful." I say. I smash a pillow into my face and groan. God damn you Ben and your complicated ways. Unpredictability is not exactly something I like. 

"Luckily you are in the presence of thee Jasmine Cephas Jones. Aka, fashion expert with great hair. I will take care of this but first, go take a shower, your hair is the size of texas." She says. I laugh and throw my pillow at her and head to the bathroom. 

I jump in the shower and begin to wash my hair. I wonder what Ben's intentions are for tonight. Most seniors like him only care about one thing when it comes to girls. But Ben seems different.. Ever since I was raped I have been sort of afraid of sex. I just can't let things go too far tonight. 

After I am done in the shower I wrap a towel around my body and head back into my room. 

Jasmine is holding up a dress as I walk back in and says, "What do you think?" 

It's a dress that I bought in the summer, it has a plunging neck line that I'm sure Lin would kill me if he saw me in it. It is form fitting and a dark blue color but it doesn't have any sleeves. 

"I love that dress but.. What about my scars? He'll be able to see them." I say, looking at my arms. 

"I thought he knew about them?" Jasmine asks. 

"He does.. But, I don't know. I don't want to make him uncomfortable with the sight of them." I explain. 

"If he really likes you and accepts you for who you are, including the things from your past, then he should have no problem with seeing your scars. And if he does have a problem with it.. Well then you know that he doesn't deserve you." Jasmine tells me. I smile and nod, setting the dress on my bed. 

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